Ok, so dumb question - how can you tell if its gassifying properly or not?
The word "properly" is kind of subjective. It depends on whether or not the nozzle is clogged with coals or wood, the kind and moisture content of the wood you are burning, the temperature at which your fire is burning - and probably a half a dozen other factors.
But there are several ways you know it's gassifying. The first, most obvious way is to open the bottom door of the furnace while the fan is running. If there is a blueish/orangish/yellow blow torch (with the accompanying sound of a blow torch) coming out of that rectangular hole in the primary fire box: it's gassifying. The second way you know is to look at the exit of your stack while the fan is running. If it is billowing smoke, you're not burning the unspent gasses and therefore not gassifying. If all you see is heat waves obscuring the background scenery - you're gassifying. If it's a mix of a little steam and the same heat waves, you're probably gassifying but burning less-than-ideal moisture content wood.
Did you happen to buy your unit used? Seems a little odd that someone would invest $11,500 for the unit plus installation costs and not fully understand the concept of gassifying. Either that or your dealer just didn't do a great job of explaining it to you? Curious.