How the Germans do it.......logging competition

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In the window that pops up click on "Press information" and scroll down to read about the 7900-RS.
Great find Paul

Nice... I thought that was Mr. Lambert at 1st... but that guy was no Mr. Lambert.

I liked that semi-belly bar on the saw too- I need one of those and soon

I didn't see any link to the 7900-RS where is it??

Paul- you get your orange GB bar yet?
Jeff, I got the bar, thanks. When the window opens, click on "press info" then scroll dow to entry titiled "collectors edition, special limited edition of Dolmars PS-7900 RS professional chainsaw" then click on the hyperlink that says 'more"
That competition is more represenative of the timber carnivals I remember here as a kid. Yah, the hotsaw stuff is fun, but I remember the events that seems to have gotten lost over the years- choker setting races, the "rigging pull", high climb + set a block and tackle, plus the event Jack Lalanne was working on- the "bore and block" while doing a handstand.
Dolmar PS7900RS.

Silver parts ( bucking spikes, muffler, top handle ) are all black. Also it has a black stripe below the airfilter cover.

Rich, I don't think that's the notch. The tree flairs out a lot at the base. He's making it round so he can get the fell it with a "normal" notch.
I think buddy was trying to reduce the flair so as to get more volume on the logging truck, but this is best accomplished when the tree is horizontal. He was just doing it to make the casual observer believe he knew what he was doing.
It looks like the man in the Dolmar picture is from my area. The first thing the locals do, is remove the outside bucking spike. The Germans must also remove them.
If he hadn't of removed the outer bucking spike, he wouldn't hafta trim the flares.

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