This , my friend, is why I only visit once every other week. I like to mix it up a bit between life.
Yeah, life is one thing, BS is another..
This , my friend, is why I only visit once every other week. I like to mix it up a bit between life.
I hope he ran away from here and dont come back.
I'd post the details, but by the sounds of it over the last 5 pages everybody has appearently already figured out all that out, Or at least they think they have it figured out.So, I take it you're not going to post any info about your contracts? You never addressed that. I'm curious if youre saying you are a business?
Does it bug you that I fly under the radar? If a person takes the time to educate themselves it's amazing what you might learn. If I was like most here and gave the impression of making large amounts of money, everybody wants their cut. Don't give the impresion of large amounts of money and people leave you alone and they will go after the bigger fish. More to it then that, but that's the general idea.If so, why do you think you can avoid all the typical business insurances?
Maybe, But that's why you have a good tax preparer, to figure all the fine details out so if/when you get audited your a** is coveredOh, and the IRS is about 6-7 year behind in audits, so the argument that they haven't cared for the last 2 years, is kind of flawed.
I already answered this quite a few posts go.What happens when someone gets hurt and the bills go into the hundreds of thousands? Who pays?
It's funny so many assumptions can be made based on so little....
Until then I will be content to watch a bunch of folks make fools of themselves by commenting on something they no nothing of, Namely my business practises.
How can so many get trolled so hard? It's almost irresistible isn't it?
Your comments reveal that you have no idea how to run a business, that you don't know anything about the tax law, and you cannot possibly know much about tree work if you prefer to use homeowner equipment because it is cheaper. Nobody is revealing themselves to be a fool, except that we all seem to be enjoying picking on the troll. {that would be you}
So! Here we are, mutually scratching each others back. You have a perverse need to irritate folks and make inflammatory statements; we oblige you by getting inflamed. We, on the other hand, like to pick on trolls and work out our aggressions on folks that ask for abuse. And here comes sodbreaker...
So if you are having fun getting worked up and by thinking I actualy care about the remarks of a person I've never met and more then likely never will..
I do not have a need to irritate anybody. And funny that you should say that. I'm not the one name calling. But I mine as well enjoy the show. A bunch of people who claim they couldn't care less, but yet they get all worked up. Kind of funny actauly
I, for one am glad you are here!
The other 'court-yard' Jester's got banned.
Kepp it up!
... and by thinking I actualy care about the remarks of a person I've never met ...
I do not have a need to irritate anybody. And funny that you should say that. I'm not the one name calling. But I mine as well enjoy the show. A bunch of people who claim they couldn't care less, but yet they get all worked up. Kind of funny actauly
Of course you don't care; that's why you are trolling. This is the same reason we feel free to unburden our negative opinion on you. We know you won't mind. Heck, you really have been asking for the abuse.
If you have no need to be making all these irritating comments, why are you doing it? I noticed when you quoted me earlier you deleted my accusation that you were enjoying the show.
I see that you are doing it again, too.
How are you posting in a commercial tree care forum, when you don't run a commercial business? Looks to me like the only commercial going on here is an anti-drug commercial.
You really believe in your heart the IRS has bigger fish to fry, post your full name and city, if you're scared, you can pm it to me too.
You sir, have been called out...
So how am I trolling? by posting the way I see it? If thats trolling then help us all.
Only enjoying it as much as those who obviously enjoy keeping it going. If I am such a "troll", which I'm not, but if I was as you and a few others say why are you keeping this goning which apearently is giving me just so much enjoyment
See! More trolling!
To answer your first question, I draw from wikipedia: "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] "
Your first posts suggests that you know it will be inflammatory: "Don't hate me, but I'll take trees down for less then $100...", after which, you go on to describe your inappropriate business practices.
Your second post suggests that paying for insurance will cost the homeowner 10 times as much. I would call that a serious error in judgement, as well as inflammatory.
In your 3rd post, you admit to trolling: "I figured someone who have a fit over my remark..."
Well into the dialogue, accused of providing an encore to your previous trolling efforts, you admit it: "I'm bored and need enterainment." {You could spend some of your spare time working on your spelling and grammar}
Well...Now I am calling you out for being a liar. You admitted to making comments because you were bored and were seeking entertainment, yet you deny it in the post quoted above.
In response to your second (poorly phrased) question, why are we (the bulk of the contributors to this thread) keeping it going? That's easy! I explained it all before, here and here.
Now quit pretending to be a stupid troll, wise up and take your whipping like the good troll that we know you to be.
After you.... Your not "Scared" are you??
After you.... Your not "Scared" are you??