How to work a MS 290 in to a conversation?

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ArboristSite Guru
Jul 21, 2004
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Well I did something that I regreat after pulling in the drive way I was at my local dealer and they had this pretty ms 290 sitting on the shelf and It kept wanting me to take it home so I broke and bought it. I knew I mess up as soon as I pulled in the drive way. I left the saw in the truck I really don't know how to work it in that I just bought another saw im pretty sure my girlfriend is going to be pissed. How would you all go about telling someone? Im open to Ideas.
just do what I do, show it proudly. most everyone I know, besides me, has already given up trying to count how many saws I own, and they jsut say, whatever.
Tell her you just bought a new truck. When the dealership is finished bolting on the options you ordered, you'll trade in the one you're driving and come home in the new one. When your g/f stops screaming at you and throwing furniture, you can let on that you really just bought a chainsaw.
Letter To Mom - Things Could Be Worse

[A mother enters her daughter's bedroom and sees a letter over the bed. With the worst premonition, she reads it with trembling hands...]

Dear Mom,

It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm telling you that I eloped with my new boyfriend. I found real passion and he is so nice, with all his piercing and tattoos and his big motorcycle.

But is not only that mom, I'm pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his trailer in the woods. He wants to have many more children with me and that's one of my dreams. I've learned that marijuana doesn't hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and his friends, who are providing us with all the cocaine and ecstasies we may want. In the meantime, we'll pray for the science to find the AIDS cure, for Ahmed to get better, he deserves it.

Don't worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Some day I'll visit for you to know your grandchildren.

Your daughter,

PS: Mom, it's not true. I'm at the neighbour's house. I just wanted to show you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer… I love you!
Try this ploy,
After you have purchased the saw, simply dismantle it. Remove the bar and chain, along with the air filter cover, and the recoil assembly.Locate an old cardboard box and set the contence inside. Tell your girl that you stopped by a garage sale, and an elderly womans husband has reciently passed away and she want to clean out his garage.As a bonus, tell her that the woman was trying to cover the funeral expences. Then simpy reassemble the saw!
Man I like that one very original lol. Have you already tryed this one or did you come up with this one off the top of your head?
just tell her it's an anchor for the new boat you bought. she'll get so upset about the boat she'll forget about the saw. :p
Why all the honesty? after all, Integrity is "plausible deniability..."

Drip bar oil on it then rub dirt and saw dust on it. If she notices the saw (the more you have, the less they notice them), then use the womans best line "oh, this old thing, I've had it for years".
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Dan, take it back on bend knees and beg the dealer to trade itfor an 025.
You are so stupid Dan!!! :blob1:, shame on you!!!!
You could have had a 359 or a 346!!! Look at that ugly thing!!
What will your girlfriend think now???
Gypo I ran a 359 for a couple of hours before and was not really impressed with it. I also don't have good husky support in my area the stihl dealer I have we have been doing business with for 15 years. We bought are tractors from them and I buy my blowers trimmers saws and accessories from them. They sell john deere saws but they said that they sell alot more stihls and that the deere saws are not as well made as the stihl.
What's the big deal - it's your GIRLFRIEND. Not your WIFE.

Be afraid of a wife, not a girlfriend.
DanManofStihl said:
Well I did something that I regreat after pulling in the drive way I was at my local dealer and they had this pretty ms 290 sitting on the shelf and It kept wanting me to take it home so I broke and bought it. I knew I mess up as soon as I pulled in the drive way. I left the saw in the truck I really don't know how to work it in that I just bought another saw im pretty sure my girlfriend is going to be pissed. How would you all go about telling someone? Im open to Ideas.

First off. I agree with other posters...She's your girlfriend(not wife)for Pete's sake. Don't worry about it.
More importantly, and yes this is important. Your profile says you make your living in the woods. You bought a new tool to make more money faster! She should be very happy with this revelation! If not, let her go man. Send her off with a cornbinder driving fool.
Hah, depending on your living situation, a pissed off girlfriend is a force to be feared. I like the box o' parts idea.
DanManofStihl said:
Gypo I ran a 359 for a couple of hours before and was not really impressed with it. I also don't have good husky support in my area the stihl dealer I have we have been doing business with for 15 years. We bought are tractors from them and I buy my blowers trimmers saws and accessories from them. They sell john deere saws but they said that they sell alot more stihls and that the deere saws are not as well made as the stihl. weren't impressed with a saw some 1 lb lighter with way more power?

Methinx you and that boat anchor are well suited to each other......

By the way, a EfcoCS 956 /JD 56 will also blow that 290 out of the water, and it is a full pro saw too boot!!!
I didn't see the point of spending the extra money on the ms 361. It is a nice saw but the extra money? $200.00 I could find something better to do with besides this saw was for my helper not really much for me. I sorta wanted something that it wouldnt matter if it got scratched or dinged up. If I droped $600.00 on a 361 that would be my truck saw and I would never use it or at least on rare occassions. I will probably keep my 036 pro just because I want to and because its my money. Her thing is christmas is coming and I am susposed to by oresents for my parents and stuff? I told her it was like christmas you should have seen the look on my face when they brought it through the doors afte warming it up for me. Shes pissed but I just went to the garage and sharpenered some chains and made up some mix for today.
All BS aside DMoS, if your girl gets mad that easily, you might want to carefully consider where this is all going once she has you by the short hairs when she is your wife with kids. Not that all women are evil but some definitely are, lol. But they do rule through terrorism and coercion and that`s no BS.

BTW, all females have that one charm that you may be most interested in at this point in your life. Dating, as in "my girlfriend" is all about sorting the wheat from the chaffe and finding the right one for yourself. Don`t take this lightly and then live to regret it. This is a lot bigger issue than you buying a saw that you may not need.

I appercite that joker yeah shes not a bad person she has her times but when it comes down to it she is their and stands by me. I think she blows money like it aint no joke and she thinks I do. I can't see why she needs 49 pairs of shoes? I probably never will either I have 3 pairs 1 for funerals, one for working and the other as back up in case my others get wet.

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