With high leverage line of pull we've gotten a lot of palms to hang on farther on hinge. They are a pulpy thing to cut though. They don't chip, grind, burn right either IMLHO. Bees, bats, rats, wasps, snakes, squirrels etc. In cutting palm, stay on clean area of stalk, suspecting sand in any root looking ball even 2'+ above grade. The palm dust is like insulation dust i think, itchy, fibrous, hard to breathe..
For a no climb line set; i throwline across crown and draw the eye of a running bowline up around the stalk as high as i want. To keep the loop open wide enough to ride up and only lock where i want, i lace the other side of the throwline under the running bowline loop on opposite side than eye of bowline. So as i angle the throwline out from palm, it keeps the loop of the running bowline open, till i allow it to close high. Over drooping fronds, or constricting on them with fair control. Sometimes walking a 'cone' around the palm (or other fairly clean stalk) with the end of the throwline, to keep the choke of the running bowline open, working it over small obstachles and grains. It works in pines etc. too that are fairly clean, or lay line on top of top branch of lower tier, to use this technique to draw the line up closer to the upper tier of branchings, when all the way up would be too weak a mount i can get over short stubs etc, stretching the loop of running bowline open with throwline.
Or something like that.