How Too Start Your Chainsaw

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The foot in the handle method would only work for me if I was wearing my ballet slippers, my foot is not that small....

So is it true what they say about a man's foot size in relation to other appendages Fish ?

I'm sure the ballet slippers would establish a certain je ne sais que amongst trouserless chap wearers too.
Depens on the saw, I do whatever works. I usually nutcracker start the Huskys when cold, then drop start them when warm. Once they have little heat in them, it seems to take one firing of the plug to light them up. The Homelites always get the nutcracker start because their so friggin' HUGE. The Mac 15 gets stirrup started because every other way with that saw results in pain.
Call me weird but I hold the rear handle in my right hand finger on trigger and kind of give a deer with a bullet hole type of kick with my left leg and pull the rope with my left hand. After fourty years thats about the only way for me. Always have done it that way.
Call me weird but I hold the rear handle in my right hand finger on trigger and kind of give a deer with a bullet hole type of kick with my left leg and pull the rope with my left hand. After fourty years thats about the only way for me. Always have done it that way.

If you have a chain brake and it's on, I don't see a big problem with that. However, without a brake, that could give ya a nasty cut when it fires up at full throttle. Drop starting is the best imo...
If you have a chain brake and it's on, I don't see a big problem with that. However, without a brake, that could give ya a nasty cut when it fires up at full throttle. Drop starting is the best imo...

I twist my right arm a bit to get it away from my leg. Ain't saying it couldn't happen but it hasn't happened yet.
Well they match the tutu...........

That's just an April fools thing, right?

The tutu and ballet slippers?

To run as PPE with a chainsaw?

Its a joke.... right?

I mean, Fish in ballet slippers and a tutu... :monkey:

Imagine the potential hazards of running a saw with that stuff.

My brain is bending under the incredible weight of that thought.

A tutu and ballet slippers...

The Wood Fairies would have you bent over a log in a heartbeat!
makes ya look like you know what you're doing. :dunno:
I drop start everything i have but always set the break.
It's there might as well use it.


A quote from 7 years ago??

You might need to "look" like you know what you're doing, but I don't give a rats a$$ what it looks like.

As soon as you can prove to me that you know more about running a saw than I do I'll listen. Until then have a nice *%#&ing day....:)

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A quote from 7 years ago??

You might need to "look" like you know what you're doing, but I don't give a rats a$$ what it looks like.

As soon as you can prove to me that you know more about running a saw than I do I'll listen. Until then have a nic*%#&ing day....
Runnin' low on your meds. are ya?
You know you could always sniff paint.
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Runnin' low on your meds. are ya?
You know you could always sniff paint.

Or I could be a lame newbie troll like you that has to go digging in ancient threads to have something to talk about. Seems you like old stuff, you must like sniffing your 3 week old underwear....
Or I could be a lame newbie troll like you that has to go digging in ancient threads to have something to talk about. Seems you like old stuff, you must like sniffing your 3 week old underwear....
LOL NOT I opened this thread for the first time and your dumb question was there, so I answered it. I don't give a rats ass what the dates are punkin.
Makes ya look like you know what you're doing. :dunno:
I drop start everything I have but always set the break.
It's there might as well use it.

You need to go back to second grade and learn the difference between break and brake. Maybe first grade is the highest one you completed though.

Yeah I did too years ago. I would get wrote up for it often. They said 3 write ups for the same thing you were sent home for 3 days. After I got my 3rd one I said good I get to go home huh, after each one but the butthead never let me leave.
After awhile I figured they ain't gonna fire me, so I had no choice but to quit.

You must have trouble following directions, or with authority, or both.

that right thar is funny raymond---apparently--your employment was more important than your starting method!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :greenchainsawLOL Yeah I got wrote up for a few things, it wasn't hard.

I wasn't really a trouble maker though...I did my job. Well unless you consider putting Playgirl magazines under the bosses seat of his truck when he wasn't looking. NOT MINE! We found them on a job site and he happened to show up later. Oh yeah and a big ball of stink bait under the seat one day. :hmm3grin2orange:

Not I! But we would sometimes unhook a chipper on a foreman before we left the yard.
They didn't find that much funny though. :dunno:

What a quality employee you must have been...

LOL NOT I opened this thread for the first time and your dumb question was there, so I answered it. I don't give a rats ass what the dates are punkin.

You are a troll, plain and simple. Your response to my post was offered no useful information. You are the kind of weasel that likes to cause trouble, as shown by your work history. Now you've got it, bub.

When you have been here longer, and loose that newbie a$$ up on your shoulders, you will find out that there are many ways people prefer to do things. No matter what you do you won't convince them another way is better.

Have a nice day troll...:)


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