OK, this is an amazingly simple question. I understand that before chainsaws we had crosscut saws. And before then we had steel, and bronze and stone axes. Does anyone know the techniques used to cut down large trees before saws (and before nylon ropes and steel cables and steam donkeys and . . . . . )?
I have read a lot about different types of saw notches and back cuts and bore cuts. Recently, I was watching some amazing YouTube videos showing PNW logging of monster trees by axe and crosscut saws. Two guys might spend a full day or more chopping out a notch with double bit axes on one of these trees. But they did the back cuts with a crosscut saw. So, before steel saws, how did they cut down large trees?
Did they just notch front and back and hope to get lucky? Could they still use wedges in some way? Anyone know? Could not find anything on the Internet, but might have just searched under the wrong terms.