ArboristSite Operative
a lot of good ideas about getting this big stick of firewood safely cut up but another idea that i am seeing here is to safely block off the area you are going to cut either by putting down wedges or another piece of wood or something and then cutting that piece to the proper size. It sounds like you are cutting this in 12" piece correct? so they will not be huge or super heavy. My idea since you seem to be able to get a chain and truck close enough to pull the log or rotate it is to get some sort of sled or something that is plastic that would slide up hill when pulled, so what you would do would buck the piece up let it fall in a controlled manner on to the sled or push it on to the sled and then pull it up the hiill to level ground and split or noodle it on a flat safe piece of ground. Also another think to make your life easy when bucking this thing up would be to bore cut it or plunge cut it so so you are not having to make a long undercut on that hill and also you don't have to worry as much about you pinching your saw. Hope this helps just started looking at the pic and this might be the way i would handle it in this situation. Good luck and remember stand on the uphill side