husky 394 question!!!!!!!!

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ArboristSite Lurker
May 27, 2002
Reaction score
ha guys,
i just got a husky394, i`am going to run a 20"bar, should i change the drive sprocket to a larger 1 to get the chain speed up there ,so it will cut faster,and what all do i have to buy to do this?

A larger sprocket.

Scary that someone who has never changed a sprocket would buy a saw this big. Hopefully you won't hurt yourself with it. Kickback is not something you want to learn about with a saw this powerful.
Roger I agree with Brian a 394 is alot of saw I don't think you'll need to be worrying too much about cutting speed they're is plenty of it I use a 385 with a 32" bar and still use the original sprocket and have no issues with cutting speed..

Later Rob.
That 394 will easily handle an 8 pin sprocket with a 20" bar, but I agree with these guys that you should try it out and get used to it before you make any changes...and watch those plunge cuts!
I own a early model 394 .......... I run a 24'' bar with 72ckx .. the saw is all stock no mods what so ever, it really rocks good saw just getting old sets most the time ........
If you have a lot of saw experience go with the 8 pin sprocket if not don't be safe please

Back to the thats much of a saw and not know'in about sprockets, it will pull 7 or 8 no careful with that thing.
husky 394 question

ha guys'
well you have answered that 1 for me, i think i`ll keep the stock drive on it,if it`s that much of a power house the stock 1 will do just fine,(don`t want no kick backs)i have a 046 and it runs good i think, but the way you all are talking thist 394 will make it seem little,how can you tell the older 394`s from the newer 1`s.

The 394 will have quite a bit more power compared to your 046 it will definetly feel different,as for how you can tell the difference between the new-old they stopped making the 394 and now make the 395XP I don't personally know whats dfferent cause I don't have one but I'm sure someone does..

Later Rob

I run a 37" 404 on my 394xp and 24" 3/8 on my 395xp plenty of power on both , I have not thought of changing the drive sprocket, but if i did it would be on the 394, 404, I wounder if and how much of a diffrence it would make.

Any answers out there.

And is there a after market clutch for that 394/395 so the drive sprocket can be changed easier????

Play safe
394/395 huskys

The difference between the 394 and the 395 is that they used the 394 crankcase and installed a new 395 barrel with quad loops on the transfers instead of a single loop transfer port like the 394. the quad loops dont extend down into the case like the 372/385 husky barrels so you have to do a considerable amt. of porting at the bottom of the 395 barrel and a lot of crankcase/ barrel matching to make more power
394 hotsaw

Oops! Forgot to include any info on the saw. its a 394 fully modified to compete with. With a 8 pin sprocket in a 20 inch log the best time to date is 4.2 seconds. with a muffler and a 9 pin sprocket i've cut a .7 tenths of a second cut in a 8by8 cant
394 Expansion Chamber

Hello Tony,
That particular pipe is off a 80cc honda motorcycle. that was the easiest way to attach it to the saw after shortning the pipe and working with the curves of the pipe
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