Husky 562xp at won’t restart

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ArboristSite Lurker
Mar 6, 2010
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The past two days I have gone into my wood lot to cut some hemlock and after starting the saw and cutting for maybe 10 minutes, I shut it off to clear the brush. When I tried to restart it no go. Took it back to my shop put a new plug on in and it started. Put the old plug in and it also started!! Today I encountered the same scenario except when I got back to the shop I tried to restart it and it fired right up immediately. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I am at my wits end.
It sort of seems like vapor lock but it isn’t really working long or hot
Someone else can correct me... But I believe the problem is a warm saw and your start up procedure. The key for it starting a second time at your shop was probably the time it took to get back to your shop and cool down. On warm saws, Husqvarna recommends that you put the choke on, then immediately take choke off (to put the saw into fast idle), (do NOT press trigger or it will disengage fast idle) THEN pull the cord. It's worth a shot.
Someone else can correct me... But I believe the problem is a warm saw and your start up procedure. The key for it starting a second time at your shop was probably the time it took to get back to your shop and cool down. On warm saws, Husqvarna recommends that you put the choke on, then immediately take choke off (to put the saw into fast idle), (do NOT press trigger or it will disengage fast idle) THEN pull the cord. It's worth a shot.
This guy has the same saw and had a similar issue I think... Start reading here.
The past two days I have gone into my wood lot to cut some hemlock and after starting the saw and cutting for maybe 10 minutes, I shut it off to clear the brush. When I tried to restart it no go. Took it back to my shop put a new plug on in and it started. Put the old plug in and it also started!! Today I encountered the same scenario except when I got back to the shop I tried to restart it and it fired right up immediately. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I am at my wits end.
It sort of seems like vapor lock but it isn’t really working long or hot
Two things come to mind.
1 the coil faulty.
2 compression is low to pull the muffler take a look at the piston for damage and do a compression test,
This is part of my ongoing rant about lack of understanding of fast idle. When a hot saw is shut off for a few minutes, it usually will restart with the throttle closed (idle position), however, if it doesn't start after 2 or 3 pulls, it isn't going to start unless the throttle is opened to at least fast idle. How to set it to fast idle without also setting the choke on, is the problem. Many saws have the throttle linkage interlocked with the choke so when you pull the choke out it also opens the throttle and latches it open until the trigger is blipped, so for these saws all you have to do (as already mentioned) is pull the choke all the way out and then push it right back in and fast idle will be set until you blip the trigger. Other saws have a master control lever that lets you set the throttle to a fast idle position with no choke, a better system if owners would understand when and why they need to set fast idle.
Now, if I could just get owners to understand that they CANNOT warm the saw up with the saw running at fast idle WITH THE CHAIN BRAKE ON.
Well the saga continues, went back out after lunch and this time took both saws so I would have a backup. The recalcitrant saw ran perfectly the whole time and was stopped and restarted numerous times.
All I can figure is that it was lonely and wanted some company with the backup saw😎
I had the same problem with the 2019 562 I bought. The dealer recommended that the decomp valve not be used on a warmish start. It was the answer for me and I never had another problem. Since I was not using the decomp, I replaced it with a plug which had the added benefit of adding another opening in the top cover for ventilation and eliminating a potential pressure leak.
I know their was changes made to that saw to improve hot starts. Tank vent was rerouted and the top cover has a notch to release more heat on the newer ones and a bunch of updates to the ignition. I haven't played with the newer saws a whole lot, they seem to be good most of the time though.
Are you using the Hot Start procedure Cool Breeze talks about? It is in the Owners Manual - you know the manual that we never read? Unless I use Hot Start my Husky Autotunes won’t start in warm weather. (And I have some Stihl Mtronics that won’t start at all in hot weather.)
I know their was changes made to that saw to improve hot starts. Tank vent was rerouted and the top cover has a notch to release more heat on the newer ones and a bunch of updates to the ignition. I haven't played with the newer saws a whole lot, they seem to be good most of the time though.
There were numerous changes made for the hot start issue, including fuel line routing, tank vent routing, partition changes, and vents in the hood. Owning a 2012 562xp from new, the only upgrades I found to make a significant difference were the vent holes in the side of the top cover and eventually a muffler mod. I'd argue the muffler mod made the most difference to getting rid of heat, but thr vents definatly made a difference as well. Following the hot restart procedure quickly became second nature as well, just flipping the choke in and off (like suggested) just about always resulted in the saw firing up after a pull or two.
Lots of good advice has been presented here.
Also keep in mind we have had a stretch of hot and sometimes humid weather the last couple of weeks.
If you got ahold of some winter blend gas- which is quite possible, it is still early in the year- you may indeed have experienced vapor lock.
We now have a few days of cool weather before it warms up again. See if the problem still exists now.
Today was different; the saw started normally and ran long enough for me to fell and sty to limb a 16 inch hemlock when it stopped suddenly. I was able to immediately restart it but after a few limbs quit again and restarted again and cut a few more limbs. It then quit a 3rd time and then wouldn’t restart. I have always used the hot start method after initial start.
Today was different; the saw started normally and ran long enough for me to fell and sty to limb a 16 inch hemlock when it stopped suddenly. I was able to immediately restart it but after a few limbs quit again and restarted again and cut a few more limbs. It then quit a 3rd time and then wouldn’t restart. I have always used the hot start method after initial start.
This is how my buddies 562 acted when the coil was failing.
Take a spare plug with you and check for fire when it wont start.
His doesnt even need the hot start method now with a new coil and muffler mod it starts with half a pull hot.
Well the saga continues, went back out after lunch and this time took both saws so I would have a backup. The recalcitrant saw ran perfectly the whole time and was stopped and restarted numerous times.
All I can figure is that it was lonely and wanted some company with the backup saw😎
Maybe vapor lock from winter gas.