hello; in trying to decide between sredcs2260 auto tune ;i ran it and love it-however johnsred warrentty is not as reliable as echo,my new 2166 has been a lemmon, it flodded the firdt 3 days i owned it 9-23-14 ran maybe 4 tanks of fuel though it now oil broke -no bar oil, its at comstock waiting to see if under warrenty, i cut my finger in half never ran a saw till late oct, but priced a 562xp both saws 20inch and only 30 dollors difference, both dealers have good rep.just dont have the reason to drop almost 679 on another sred, do i buy the husky, or sred, and before things get out of hand, i keep them stock, or ill buy 2 more echo 590 that cuts every day, for 399,99, please give good advise from the guys that run both,
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