I like all the wieght claims...
Specs say a 440 is heavier than a 7900????????

I guess that is where real world use comes into play.
Put a 20" or 24" bar on all three of them and fill them up with fuel and oil....
The 440 is the lightest, followed by the 372 then the 7900.
The 7900 and 372 are real close empty, but the 7900 has bigger tanks on it and makes it a tad more heavy after it is topped off. In all reality, the 440 seems to be about a pound lighter than the 372, and the 7900 about a pound heavier than the 372. Never actually measured them. Who cares, seems you guys are the ones that have to look at the specs, but it only matters when you feel it with your hands....And the power characteristics... None of this can be "felt" going off of specs. Have to Run them to find that out. I want the 7900 to be as light as the 440, then that would be my favorite saw...
All three of them are lighter than the 575 and 441.....