No just took it yesterday. It's the same sample I've had for a while now. They probably forgot who has it.
BTW, a little note on the Husky flippy caps, and all Husky fuel caps really: Had a leaky cap on an L77 I was working on last night at home, so I tried one of the new style caps and it worked on the old gal. Not bad from an interchangeability standpoint. Unlike (sorry, I just can't resist) some other brands where guys can't get something simple like a fuel cap for their saw. Not just picking on Stihl either, as there are plenty of Jonsered caps that are NLA also.
My 660 witha 32" is the biggest I have used climbing im 5'10 160lbs. Had the 576 24" strapped to my belt for about three hrs the other day. Last few cuts were tough!