One question.....where the F&^K is the serial number on these saws? And does anybody have a IPL for a 2100 or 2101?:greenchainsaw:
the serial number is on the crank case, clutch side, between the cylinder and muffler..... look down from the top of the saw, not side on.
Any idea what the 2100CD's go for these days? I have one and I've been trying to decide if it's worth parting with or not...
I noticed also that the rear cover (XP cover) has a different color fading than the rest of the saw. Could it be from another saw ?
I recently sold a 298XP for my cousin and it was the same way, and I know it was the original. I don't know if the filter cover was a different type of plastic or what, but it did look odd.
OK, that's good news. But odd, indeed.
I agree it looks odd - what is the serial number on the saw?
I picked up a 2101 this week. This saw is a little too young for collecting, but since one established member of this chainsawcommunity, going by the user name of rope&sa..... stated that these saws eat Stihls for breakfast, I couldn't resist trying it.....besides the price was right up husky ally at approx 200$...oke:oke:
It has top compression and the insides look clean as a whistle. Only the starter assy has seen some abuse (probably the result of the high compression and no decomp), and I could temporarely fix it. Sure could need a replacement cover though....
I noticed also that the rear cover (XP cover) has a different color fading than the rest of the saw. Could it be from another saw ?
it sports a 25" bar (very common on falling saws here)and .404 chain. quick acceleration and very nice idle, but trying it in small wood, I was not impressed with its grunt. Definately need to try it in some bigger wood though....
or it could be restricted muffler. I had to make a new grill but maybe there are too few holes....whatcha think...?
very nice saw, but since its not totally pristene and not old enough for you, i think you should send it to Timberwolf to get race ported. you should have one pure evil saw in your collection, just for fun
Hi Niko, serial number is 8420138. opcorn:opcorn: