KenJax Tree
Those are the companies that paid for testing, there are many excellent oils that that don't pay and aren't on that list. Lucas is good oil period.
That"s only because they haven"t spent a large amount of $"s having it tested, if they did it would more than likely be up to the standards. the R&D of some of these oil company's is such that they buy some of a tested company's oil & analise it & make their oil to the same or better spec. I have no idea if it"s law breaking by saying ( conforms to Jaso FD) but no doubt if some one chose to question the validity of the rating ,they would have to subject it to testing & more than likely it was conform & pass.Bel Ray,Klotz,Maxima,Amsoil didn't make the list either??
Lucas at the local auto parts here. I have to order in enough stuff as it is, don't need to make it any harder.i am searching for different oil myself,, i have been using echo power blend for years with no problem but it is 3 bucks for a 2.6 oz bottle now,,,,i can get the lucas oil easy enough,, the other oils are not available as easly