So....the Cross Top I had end has (had) bore alignment issues, and it ate another bottom end (crank) before I figured it out. Damn. A lot of time spent as a result. Thought it was pretty cool when it survived the (first) rod bearing failure. Assumed it was the crank at fault. Take two..another crank that I had checked. (in a fixture & dial indicators for stub alignment and for "spread" between the halves) Ate it in three tanks. Common denominator? Brand name of the bottom end parts....and...the Cross Top end I moved from wreck 1 to the now wreck 2. SO I started measuring (Why didn't I do that first tine out?? Because I was so certain the cranks were NG.....but I was wrong. Cranks were probably fine.) And the cylinder's base flange thickness varied about .005-.008 from one side to the other. Explained that away with castings (rationalizing?)...then from flange base to squish band. A 010-.015 difference from one side to the other. Realized thats a trend. Put it on an arbor...and sure enough. SO its now in the town trash transfer station's bin ..tossed with anger. I'm pretty sure it's the exception not the rule, but I guess the bottom line is if you waste a rod bearing, might be a good idea to check ALL the components before moving them to another case.. My frustration can be your knowledge I hope. No video. Don't want to vent in that venue.