Huztl MS660

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And it's no longer a clone, more than a few words here and it's lost in translation here on some
Simple solution, not sure of quality, don't buy a clone. Used OEM is always an option.:cool:
Bingo...and these aren't soon as you go 56mm...clone concept is long gone. I've said many times, and this thread demonstrates; these aren't OEM and aren't for everyone. To those thinking of building a business selling these things as complete "clone" That's a bad plan for so many reasons, I can't support that concept. For the hobby types, where these are simply mechanical puzzles with issues to work around? Pretty cool and it doesn't matter much if it starts as a blown up OEM or from scratch, there still will be things to work around with AM parts regardless of origins. And as demonstrated here these parts are a moving target, so issues I had may go away and new ones show up to keep things interesting. To those looking for stability and consistency...go OEM and you will be much happier there. This stuff is not for you. But why do we seem to till this ground over and over? And to Bed T, I'm still waiting for your store concept. That was one of the things I understood you were trying to build at one point in time, possibly a better source of parts for these for a better price? Is that still in the cards? And..did you ever completely debug your project saw after getting that entire tool room of expensive & frankly quite impressive shop tools? I'm within a cylinder or two of buying the last AM MS660 part ever for me to complete my set, ...which do quite well BTW to this point. I will just run them as they are until either they or I fail, so probably won't be a customer...moving to Big old Stihl's & Husqvarna's next for project saws this coming year( 281/288/298's OEM's ), also an OEM MS650 possibly a 066 (No AM in these) and maybe the 036 kit if time allows. But bringing the old ones back to life is where my interest is. And the new shop needs to be completed as well before anything happens.
He maybe talking about the parts looking and fitting like oem and being symmetrical to the OEM. I'm holding off on ordering anymore kits til I see where the quality of fitment is going.
He maybe talking about the parts looking and fitting like oem and being symmetrical to the OEM. I'm holding off on ordering anymore kits til I see where the quality of fitment is going.
Makes sense to me! How many kits can be useful to one guy anyway..I thought I had pushed that limit to ridiculousness with mine..I will never be able to use them all up. Won't sell them so they will run until they stop...and then to the scrap pile.
Weimedog, your imput and videos made it possible for myself and many others on here to enjoy building these "puzzle saws". I own 40 acres with lots of trees. This is just a fun weekend warrior toy I don't need and would never have bought if it wasn't for you and a few others offering advice and experience. After watching your videos and the testing you have run them thru, you made belivers out of several of us! You should send them a bill for the additional sales you have brought them!
Makes sense to me! How many kits can be useful to one guy anyway..I thought I had pushed that limit to ridiculousness with mine..I will never be able to use them all up. Won't sell them so they will run until they stop...and then to the scrap pile.

I don't sell them for profit but 2 of the ones I put together went to people that couldn't afford a saw that size or had the ability to put one together. Then One went to a tree guy and it has limited huztl parts.
Makes sense to me! How many kits can be useful to one guy anyway..I thought I had pushed that limit to ridiculousness with mine..I will never be able to use them all up. Won't sell them so they will run until they stop...and then to the scrap pile.
You go off half cocked and write a diatribe with every post. These things were clones and that has nothing to do with your 56mm. They are no longer clones which makes them less reliable long term. They are turning in to cheap copies. I not going to let you hide that With an entire page post. I will just repeat it
Weimedog, your imput and videos made it possible for myself and many others on here to enjoy building these "puzzle saws". I own 40 acres with lots of trees. This is just a fun weekend warrior toy I don't need and would never have bought if it wasn't for you and a few others offering advice and experience. After watching your videos and the testing you have run them thru, you made belivers out of several of us! You should send them a bill for the additional sales you have brought them!

Just shared the more no less. But thanks for the feed back. I can only hope they turn out to be as much fun as mine did...
Weimedog, your imput and videos made it possible for myself and many others on here to enjoy building these "puzzle saws". I own 40 acres with lots of trees. This is just a fun weekend warrior toy I don't need and would never have bought if it wasn't for you and a few others offering advice and experience. After watching your videos and the testing you have run them thru, you made belivers out of several of us! You should send them a bill for the additional sales you have brought them!
A disciple[emoji302]
I don't sell them for profit but 2 of the ones I put together went to people that couldn't afford a saw that size or had the ability to put one together. Then One went to a tree guy and it has limited huztl parts.

That sounds like a good plan...I lend mine out to folks too as I can't run them all and they certainly need the time and like with your situation a local firewood guy needed a saw. These have worked for that scenario quite well. And to the strategy, why not share the expense when its family and friends. Kind of curious if you have done analysis to compare taking OEM's and building them with a mix on these and OEM parts. Sounds like that's in your power curve. And I for one really do appreciate your input BTW.
You go off half cocked and write a diatribe with every post. These things were clones and that has nothing to do with your 56mm. They are no longer clones which makes them less reliable long term. They are turning in to cheap copies. I not going to let you hide that With an entire page post. I will just repeat it
And 82 pages later we get to your point....
My sickness manifests itself in buying saws that aren't working or have other issues, troubleshooting the issues, and then coming up with solutions to make them work reliably. These saws come in the form of broken OEM and assembling / tweaking these Chinese parts kits. I really have little use for saws over 60cc and even then I can't honestly justify more then one small saw plus a backup. It's my therapy!

I keep telling myself that I will sell some one day but I still have 7 Chinese MS660s in my garage and many more OEM saws of different brands and I keep buying more. The one principle that I strive for it to not have more invested in a saw than what I could sell it for. Sometimes I buy saws that need more than I expected and put more into them than they are worth.
I think the Chinese P&C kits and the complete parts kits allow me tinker with saws and not be upside down on investment vs. value.
I understand people put these kits together for different reasons. Some for fun, some to learn the workings of a saw and some may even sell for profit. I put mine together to help a few people out and not for fun or learning.i don't want to have to reevaluate each saw I build because their different. I want to put them together and not have parts changing designs or have a lesser quality because the change. When the design changes then the problems could change if their intent wasn't to fix a existing problem. We all know of the problems and fixes through out this 1600+ post thread. Should we start another thread Because almost all of this would be irreverent when we now could have different versions. That's why I have held off on future orders til I know what to expect.
My sickness manifests itself in buying saws that aren't working or have other issues, troubleshooting the issues, and then coming up with solutions to make them work reliably. These saws come in the form of broken OEM and assembling / tweaking these Chinese parts kits. I really have little use for saws over 60cc and even then I can't honestly justify more then one small saw plus a backup. It's my therapy!

I keep telling myself that I will sell some one day but I still have 7 Chinese MS660s in my garage and many more OEM saws of different brands and I keep buying more. The one principle that I strive for it to not have more invested in a saw than what I could sell it for. Sometimes I buy saws that need more than I expected and put more into them than they are worth.
I think the Chinese P&C kits and the complete parts kits allow me tinker with saws and not be upside down on investment vs. value.
Think we have the same issue....but Think my strain might be terminal, at least debilitating! I have a few of these but thats mixed in with a pile of these big old Jonsereds that are useless to anyone but me.
I understand people put these kits together for different reasons. Some for fun, some to learn the workings of a saw and some may even sell for profit. I put mine together to help a few people out and not for fun or learning.i don't want to have to reevaluate each saw I build because their different. I want to put them together and not have parts changing designs or have a lesser quality because the change. When the design changes then the problems could change if their intent wasn't to fix a existing problem. We all know of the problems and fixes through out this 1600+ post thread. Should we start another thread Because almost all of this would be irreverent when we now could have different versions. That's why I have held off on future orders til I know what to expect.

Sounds like you have worked through a few issues and have some working saws. But that takes some skills. My bet is these will be forever moving targets... each of mine is an individual as all are truely "blends" vs. kits. They all perform well though, I guess to me trying to support more than the 8 or 9 in my stable could be a non stop series of little R&D projects. I don't mind my R&D puzzles, but don't want to debug everyone else's. One reason the resale concept makes no sense to me. But if someone wants to be in the saw business....go get a dealership! SO I build them, each to completion to where they are functional often very capable saws. I have fun building them, thats my drive to do these. They run, I tweak and improve them, they run more; I have fun....and if they fail catastrophically I really don't care as much as I would if there was a ton of money into them. But so far the only recurring issues for mine were carburetion, and I solved that with Walbro's. And thats been the trend..little crap, nothing major. And OEM always the solution when I run out of patience. SO far that has worked and they have cut a chit load of wood and I don't see an end to that because of any systemic issue...pretty much what I expected and suspected from the beginning as played out into reality...
Think we have the same issue....but Think my strain might be terminal, at least debilitating! I have a few of these but thats mixed in with a pile of these big old Jonsereds that are useless to anyone but me.
At least it sounds like you are making some money on your hobby. Sometimes I think I should post a craigslist that I will repair saws for no charge except parts but I don't want to take business away from people trying to make a living.
Conversations about a clone or part of a clone should not have versions. It is either an exact copy or not. It was at one time. Now it's a copy of a copy at an increased price. Look at your posts. Trying to pin down when the part was acceptable or not.
As much as that would simplify things, I cant see it happening soon or ever with aftermarket parts.
We could have it the way we want it but not at the price we want.
There are factories willing to make us exactly what we want, with a lot of caveats.
I looked into having a chainsaw cylinder made to my specs, it is a long and expensive process - the cliff notes version is 1000 pcs minimum, about a year of lead time, two identical samples needed to model from, after all steps approved and test cylinders approved they still expect 5% of cylinders to be defective on my dime, @$60K upfront plus shipping when finished - italian pistons and finishing, chinese manufactured cylinders - I wasnt willing to have crappy cylinders made and the length of time to recover on 950 cylinders is just ridiculous for us.
To get the level of quality control we would really like....
I understand people put these kits together for different reasons. Some for fun, some to learn the workings of a saw and some may even sell for profit. I put mine together to help a few people out and not for fun or learning.i don't want to have to reevaluate each saw I build because their different. I want to put them together and not have parts changing designs or have a lesser quality because the change. When the design changes then the problems could change if their intent wasn't to fix a existing problem. We all know of the problems and fixes through out this 1600+ post thread. Should we start another thread Because almost all of this would be irreverent when we now could have different versions. That's why I have held off on future orders til I know what to expect.

Actually after thinking about would probably have been better off taking the route I did simply because I wasn't "bound" box of parts. You have the Stihl back ground and I had to reinvent that wheel. The one thing I see the "kits' have done for the later efforts is save a PILE of time for non Stihl types on the detail bits and pieces by defining what those parts are, even if then need being replaced. Took me a month or three and buying a bunch of redundant parts before I was able to put everything in a box and have that first "puzzle" saw. That first effort was really a saw and a half! ..I would have been better off starting from a Kit, while you probably would have been better off doing piecemeal as I did.