Well I just joined the MS660 club last month. Looks like everyone was having so much fun with these I just had to pull the trigger on a kit. Placed my order the beginning of December and it showed up crazy fast, less than 10 days. It was a fun indoor winter project putting it together. The big Huskies from this period are easier to work on but it was fun learning a new saw "puzzle". I took my time and tried to be fairly precise ( former aircraft mechanic so I like to do things right). As many people who have received the newest kits there were some clearance issues with the chain break handle, muffler, and internal stop by the clutch. I did some file work to clearance these parts. On closer examination I noticed the top edge of the muffler seemed like it could be bent down with a few taps of a hammer and issue is fixed. I didn't notice anyone mention but my kit was shipped with a dual port muffler set up just like the Stihl dual port. Maybe the old single port would fit better. The muffler baffles got a couple 7/16 holes to flow better and I left the dual port cover as shipped. It sounds pretty dang mean. Rest of the parts looked like fairly good copies no real issues. I just slightly cleaned up the cylinder ports. Assebeled with out the base gasket squish right around .023". Using the Hutzl chain adjuster and the new case haves seemed fairly tight where the parts insert. No room for any bushing material. I loaded the gears with white lithium grease and worked them back and forth a couple dozen times and it works good enough for the girls I run around with.
Anyway these 660's can sure cut some wood. I fitted it with a little 20" bar for now and a 8 pin sprocket. Cuts thru frozen green ponderosa pine like butter. But boy it's a workout lugging this beast around at 9,000'. My 72cc husky feels like a toy after running the 660. For most everything I cut a 70cc class saw is plenty but I've got a project latter this year cutting up a huge dead cottonwood and this 660 is gonna make easy work of it. Hope you all enjoy the pics:
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