No cutting should be needed. That still looks like something that should screw apart, with that apparent seem I'm still thinking I see. Perhaps with the assistance of a special spanner wrench as mentioned above. And - can't tell from the pics - but what is that little roundy thingie welded on, at the bottom right? A rod? A nub? Looks like it's been rubbing/sliding. Might be some answers hidden in this thing that require a taking apart to find. Also almost looks like the head of a small allen screw or a pin, on the cylinder end face, directly in front of the wedge. And if you follow that 'seam' to the right, there seems to be a notch in it right where it goes under the red - either a spot for a spanner nub to fit, or a piece is broke out? Or who knows.
But if cutting is really required for any kind of cylinder servicing - then yes I would likely just look for something new and serviceable to replace it with.