this is the aftermarket world.A few months ago I bought a ms660 off of eBay. It was relatively cheap and was seller refurbished. I should have known better but I bought it..... well everything on it is aftermarket. Carb, covers, entire engine and cases. Very few things are original. I didn't know before buying. I knew the cylinder and piston were. Had a big bore kit on it. I've been using it for milling. I swapped out the "actual" stock oil pump for the bigger oil pump. Which I ordered from stihl. Which wasn't cheap. But anyway. My problem is the saw blew up. The needle bearing destroyed itself. I caught it quick enough that the crank and crank bearings are not messed up. My concern is that it turned the end of the connecting rod blue. There are no gouges or pits in it just a blue hue. Should I replace the rod. I'm replacing everything with the hyway big bore kit. But I'm using oem wrist pin, needle bearing, and c-clips. It had a new west coast setup. I know I should go back to oem. But it's crazy expensive.
i dont know for what job the bandsaws are and for what the chainsaws
i put a 2.5 gal mix to 2 gallons for over 20 years with out any problems.........they say 32-1 is best. yea, i would mix rich........your workin her pretty hard there.I use to always mix my own. But now I use the premixed bottles. One bottle for 2.5gallons of gas. It's bought at the dealer. I think I will go back to mixing my own. I've always make it richer
I would love to build a bandsaw to mill logs. But for now i have to use my saw. I Want to build a timber frame house. Which is what I did until prior to this spring for 17 years.
the boss always know betterThanks treeslayer my boss doesn't believe me about mixing richer. So I did what we do at work now, "a tree service company"
and who pay for the parts? you or the boss?start taking notice the good deals guys get on roached tree service saws.........its just a tool to them.
now you learn no saws from ebay exept if you know the sellerI sold a clean 084 to buy this 660. I sold it because I was afraid parts would be hard to find very soon for it. Wish I would have kept it now.