I don't think this guy wants to be low balled

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I have always said it like this.

a guy can die and his wife be selling his mint restored (insert your dream car here) for 5 grand and it is worth 60 grand and some moron will say " I will give ya 4 cash!!"

many a time I have been in a place where I needed some fast cash and put up a piece of my equipment and no matter what people always seem to want a deal.

I would give that guy a g for that splitter in a second I am just too far from him.
That's alot of the fun of buying used is the ####ering over the price. He gives a little and you give a little and reach the compromise. If you do alot of trading you always ask a little more than you really want anyways. Then you both walk away happy.:cheers:
I can't help but wonder how many responded with 900 just because of his ad... lol
I have always heard that you should aski 10% more than you really want just to give yourself some wiggle room.

I really don't like to negotiate a price - I don't find it fun. I really don't like it when someone doesn't even bother to come look at the item I have for sale before they offer me less.
I've bought a bunch of stuff off of CL. I always offer less than the asking price. Its part of the game. Afterall........ this stuff IS used, right? There have been 3 exceptions, two of which..... by the time i got there to look at said item, others have already emailed offers HIGHER :)dizzy: :dizzy: ) than the sellers asking price. What are people thining? The third occaision was a never used JD ballast box for my tractor for $50, and i felt too guilty to beat the guy up on his price.
If the price is fair for what I am shopping for, I pay it and leave. If it's too high or out of my comfort/budget level, then I tell them, and leave, let the seller come after me and offer the deal, it then shows desperation or they get more honest about a flaw, or offer something extra to sweeten the deal.

Seems to me like he could have asked somewhere around $1250 knowing he only wanted a grand and he wouldn't come off sounding like such a tough guy. That's what I usually do - ask about 20% more than I'm willing to accept (except for wood - that's non-negotiable and actaully I've never had anybody try to negotiate) and everyonce in a while a little bidding war breaks out. As for buying some people seem ready and willing to negotiate and some get offended. I just politely tell them what I have to spend and they can accept now, later or never.
He seems to believe he knows what it's worth and is confident that it'll move at his price. I come from a long line of hagglers and rarely do I not ask for a lower price and then work from there. When selling average prices items I always build in a couple hundred dollars so people like me can haggle, think they have gotten a better deal and everyone walks away happy. This pretty much echos what others have already said.
Let me throw a little light on this...

This is a CL post we're talking about.

That splitter is probably sitting at a friends of his rental property, he will meet the buyer there and wave them good buy, get in his truck and they will never meet again.

The new owner will take the splitter by the gas station, only to find half the gas leaked out, that there is a split in the tank near the top. Start it and find that it smokes real bad when it gets any more use then the 2 cycles he seen when he bought it.

Then he will notice the leak in the pump when it gets into good sized wood, and that the ignition cuts out when ever it wants to.

Before he gets any were near a cord split, the engine will seize up from the 80W-90 that was in it so you could not hear the engine knock.

Moral of the story, never trust CL
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If a seller says up front the the price is firm I won't try to negotiate. If I don't want it I tell him so and leave. If he wants to come down on the price while I'm walking away then I might listen.
Let me throw a little light on this...

This is a CL post we're talking about.

That splitter is probably sitting at a friends of his rental property, he will meet the buyer there and wave them good buy, get in his truck and they will never meet again.

The new owner will take the splitter by the gas station, only to find half the gas leaked out, that there is a split in the tank near the top. Start it and find that it smokes real bad when it gets any more use then the 2 cycles he seen when he bought it.

Then he will notice the leak in the pump when it gets into good sized wood, and that the ignition cuts out when ever it wants to.

Before he gets any were near a cord split, the engine will seize up from the 80W-90 that was in it so you could not hear the engine knock.

Moral of the story, never trust CL

Wow...that was a healthy slap of reality! :cry:
Next I suppose you'll tell me that Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real!

I gotta admit when I first read your post I thought it was very cynical but, after some reflection I realized you are just a realist. So, what's your story? You don't become a hardcore realist without a good story as to how you got there.:popcorn:

BTW: You left out the part where the CL splitter will turn out to be stolen....from the State Trooper that pulls you over for leaking fuel and hyd. oil down the road.
Buying a truck

My brother was selling a truck for $4000 and a buddy of mine was looking at it. I told him he could probably get it for $3500. He says that would be great if he could get it for that. He offers the $3500, my brother takes it without batting an eye, and now my buddy is po'd at me cause he thinks he could have gotten it cheaper. Go figure:confused:
i`ve been lowballed and tried bargaining myself whenever I can, had a car trailer for sale on CL for 1500, guy asked for the lowest number and I told him 1200 come get it today, dude drove 4 hours and came with 1100$, told him to enjoy the scenery on his ride home and not worry about the trailer as it`d still be in my yard when he came back with 1200$ :D

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