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My uncle built his cabin on skids. When the old timer he rented from passed away he winched the cabin up on a flatbed and moved it to another site.
Last year, I built a greenhouse (for growing vegetables up here in the winter) on .40 retention skids with a .40 retention 3/4" CDX floor and a couple pull eyes in each skid so I can move it around with one of my farm tractors and it's all screwed together (not the greenhouse) the support structure. Even added a 150 pound propane bottle and a propane heater for those not sunny days so the plants would not freeze. Worked out really well.
I find it amazing just how well vegetables grow in a greenhouse when there is a foot of snow on the ground and it's well below freezing. I like the smell of the hot house as well. Propane to heat it is a might expensive but the rewards of having fresh produce in January makes it all worth while. Just harvested some tomatoes and trimmed off some chives. I like the fact that I can move it to take full advantage of the winter sun too. Glad I own big enough tractors to move it, it's pretty heavy.
Eh, position isn't rocket science. Don't hide it behind any structures or trees that will prevent it from getting southern exposure and viola.
It is in theory best to position it so the long side gets the southern exposure but again, if it is in the wide open as a greenhouse should be its not critical.
Propane to heat it is a might expensive but the rewards of having fresh produce in January makes it all worth while.

You're probably familiar with passive geothermal, but if not, take a look at this:

Takes a bit to install, but I'm sure you've got the equipment to make that relatively easy. Once installed, it'd heat your greenhouse nearly for free.
You're probably familiar with passive geothermal, but if not, take a look at this:

Takes a bit to install, but I'm sure you've got the equipment to make that relatively easy. Once installed, it'd heat your greenhouse nearly for free.

I certainly do have the equipment and I've 'bookmarked' that video for future reference. One thing to note is that our sub surface (4 feet and below) stays at a steady 55 degrees no matter what the ambient is because of our close proximity to Lake Erie. I could do that quite easily. In fact lots of people around here heat with geo-thermal. I considered it a while ago myself but the ROI was too long a period for me at my age, but this video isn't. I'd certainly use corrugated plastic drainage pipe, one, it's fairly cheap and any excavations I would require, I can do that myself for the cost of the diesel to run the backhoe. Far as backfilling goes, I also have a John Deere tracked bull dozer. One never knows when a bulldozer can come in handy...lol Well except for my wife that is. I suspect it would heat (and cool) the greenhouse quite easily and with very little to no outside (fan) help. I like his orange trees especially. Oranges on the plains, what a novel idea and he sells his produce as well. Double the fun. Thanks again for that video. Not a big YT watcher, maybe I need to start.
G'day, placing it in the right spot isn't exactly rocket science. Avoid concealing it behind structures or trees that might block its access to that glorious plant sunlight, and presto! In theory, it's optimal to arrange it so that the lengthier side basks in the southern exposure. However, if it's out in the wide open, as a greenhouse typically is, it's not overly crucial.
Australian tree ferns
typical bot response, theres been a bunch of you taking over lol
too bad the admin team isnt dealing with you, instead they wanna argue about which way is up
Too bad the members who see a spam message are not using the report feature, as requested.

Do you really think we have time to read all the new posts on this site every day? We rely on the members to report this stuff. I found the spam you commented on, but only because that spammer was reported elsewhere on this site, and the ip addresses connected. In total, there were several spamming members at one IP, and a number of messages were taken out.

We have other things to do besides arguing with petulant members. That is just the entertainment I do after the work is finished.