I just got off the phone with a guy who sold me

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dowt_2 (7) is his user name and I’m probably not going to be selling many more saws on eBay either as I like selling locally much better. I can keep in touch with my buyers so if they have any problems that I believe is not the buyers fault I can make it right. I do have buyers that bring me there saws to tune and such. I have helped people that bought a Saw years ago from me. I helped a guy that bought a 268 Husqvarna I modded months ago today ! I enjoy helping people that want to help themselves and not just trying to bash someone from lack of sleep and substance abuse!
never understood why grown men have to use such filthy language. That speaks volumes to me!
Meh, I curse all the time, but not directly at people..... It's a Marines prerogative to b**ch.....does not mean that anything is going to change though. Rule number one: do not curse at a man unless your are sure you can bury him six feet down.....or he just might bury you
Meh, I curse all the time, but not directly at people..... It's a Marines prerogative to b**ch.....does not mean that anything is going to change though. Rule number one: do not curse at a man unless your are sure you can bury him six feet down.....or he just might bury you
I am speaking strictly for myself ! I was raised by a father who never had a guile word come out of his mouth,he told me what goes in a man is what comes out of a man. He made sure my brother and I always seen him as the way he wanted us to grow up to be. I raised my children the same way and they turned out to not smoke,nor drink,nor curse. They are raising their children as i was raised! When raising my children I noticed they mimicked everything I did so I was always careful not to let my emotions that I considered bad for them to surface. The way another man handles himself is his business . My dad raised his baby brother who went into the Marines during Vietnam and to this day he has the personality and the demeanor of my dad.
I am speaking strictly for myself ! I was raised by a father who never had a guile word come out of his mouth,he told me what goes in a man is what comes out of a man. He made sure my brother and I always seen him as the way he wanted us to grow up to be. I raised my children the same way and they turned out to not smoke,nor drink,nor curse. They are raising their children as i was raised! When raising my children I noticed they mimicked everything I did so I was always careful not to let my emotions that I considered bad for them to surface. The way another man handles himself is his business . My dad raised his baby brother who went into the Marines during Vietnam and to this day he has the personality and the demeanor of my dad.
glad that work out for you one of the great things about America is it we can agree to disagree does not mean either one of us is wrong just the way we think differently you have a great day.
I believe Mr.@edwardo is no longer with us. Good riddance, you preach principals but show us you have none. What a cull. Obviously you never learned manners. I've never wanted to punch a senior citizen in the mouth more than this guy lol.
Senior citizen?? I assumed he was some young ****** living in his mom's basement.
Neither would he once he got twisted.
You could tell when he got wasted.
Naaaaa....... that was me he was taking shots at that was 65.
He was 30. Joined with his other name in 2004.

So being relatively new to this hear forum.....Who was he? i mean the whole thread went sideways so fast it reminded me of my time back on 4chan and /b/
What was his username before? He came on way to strong to be a new member and of course he showed his cards fairly quickly about "being here before".

I thought I was doing a favor to would be buyers by bringing a con to the eyes of a community with this exposè...
Sorry if I didn’t settle it like a drunk lumber co$& sucker but most folks don’t take to that kind o56 type stuff kid.

Good morning by the way..
056 kid..........such a clever lil troll.
Joined in 2004.......like he said.