I need to vent.

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You're exactly right...

Thanks for that little "jolt" back to reality. It's easy to let the bad and negative things get to us and drag us down, but there are many more good things that we take for granted. I saw a Church's message board awhile ago that had a great message to carry us through "tough times" and it said:

"Never a good sailor do calm seas make"

Thanks again for the strength to "keep working"!

:greenchainsaw: :clap:
Hand pump now I am jealous pale and rope is what I was speaking of lol

A well bucket and chain is how I did it when I was a kid. It was a drilled well with a long well bucket attached to a chain. There was a frame with a pulley to make it easier to pull up.

We just got water piped back our road this year. I hooked up but I'm not doing away with my 7,000 gal. cistern though. I might even put a hand pump on it. You never know when it might come in handy.
I as well am blessed beyond compare...didn't inherit a dime from Mom and Dad due to Dad's second wife being a black widow, but inherited a good old-school work ethic, and skills and knowledge enough so I can go back in business and quit working for the "Man" at anytime. This last month or so has been a little rough due to my wife's slow healing from the copperhead bite, taking care of her, keeping up with domestic chores, etc, but I had a great moment after firing up the CB for the first time Saturday, seeing the full moon come up over the boiler/woodshed. I did a toast with Maker's Mark!...May God bless all of you, and America!!

Good thread!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The other day my good friend, Jimmy, told me, "Edwin, you have to stop cutting wood now and then and spend more time smellin' the roses."

I said, "Jimmy, my friend, every time I go to the woods, bring my dog, Lady, breathe fresh air, and collect a truckload of firewood, I'm smellin' the roses more than you can possibly imagine. That's also when I talk to God and thank Him for making it all possible."

'nuff said. ;)
yea....i spent half the day cutting wood with my son. came home to relax and unwind with some good wine. then i had to listen to the neighbors dog bark endlessly....argh!!!

finally, i went outside and yelled for him to shut the F up!!!!!!

they brought the dumb dog inside and it was quiet for the remainder of the day.
yea....i spent half the day cutting wood with my son. came home to relax and unwind with some good wine. then i had to listen to the neighbors dog bark endlessly....argh!!!

finally, i went outside and yelled for him to shut the F up!!!!!!

they brought the dumb dog inside and it was quiet for the remainder of the day.

LOL, I feel your pain. I have a neighbor that has two dogs that both do a lot of nuisance barking. I hate to say something as I'm always running saws, splitter, power washer, etc., but those f&@king dogs drive me insane! What amazes me more is the fact that the owners don't seem bothered by it in the least, I can even hear them barking inside their house for long periods of time. :dizzy:

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled love fest... :D
yea....i spent half the day cutting wood with my son. came home to relax and unwind with some good wine. then i had to listen to the neighbors dog bark endlessly....argh!!!

Finally, i went outside and yelled for him to shut the F up!!!!!!

They brought the dumb dog inside and it was quiet for the remainder of the day.
BTDT. Before my dog, Lady, was around, my neighbors owned a dog that barked relentlessly for years. Their trick was to put the dog out to do its duty at 3 to 5 am every morning. Then it barked for two hours to come in. I called the cops on them three times and they were fined, but that never stopped them. They just kept paying the fines and letting the dog bark forever to come in.

Well, their dog died six years ago and I bought Lady, the best dog I have ever owned, and she never barks unless there is a reason--usually when a stranger shows up. She immediately senses potential hostility. So, whenever my neighbor who had the barker ventures into his back yard, Lady returns the favor without any encouragement from me.

What goes around, comes around. :popcorn:
I went and cut some wood on Sat. afternoon and couldn't get it all on one load so I went back yesterday afternoon and took my 3 yr old son along. Talk about sitting back and realizing how good you have it! He was in absolute awe as we were driving through the timber to get back to the cut stuff just jabbering away question after question. While I was loading wood he managed to find a little frog that wasn't cooperating on the catching end of things. I sat back and watched, laughing for about five minutes until I went and helped him corral the escapee. He told his mom when we got home he even managed to shoot two raccoons and a big buck all with his cork gun. :) Lot of fun!
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Perfect! I keep telling myself the same. But it all boils down to "you gotta want it" and I see alot that don't. Great post kid! :cheers:
No doubt! :cheers: After 23 years of being self employed I know all about it. It's nice to see folks with some drive!
Great post gentleman!.....We could call it "The beg for bless thread" :laugh:

It deserves to be a big 1 ......
Glad to hear so many of you out there on the same page! Wish some of the rest of our country could appreciate the little things. Might not be so ate up with greed and corruption. Took my little girl on a 4 wheeler ride for her birthday yesterday. Went through the woods looking for deer. Met up and chatted with a couple neighbors. One was on her horse and took "Daddy's Lil Princess" for a walk around their yard on her horse. Just fell into place on her birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better moment for my daughter and with my daughter. It is simply the small moments in life that make up for the rest of the day to day duldrums, stresses, and headaches. There is always someone better off, and someone worse off. Just need to be thankful for what we have. I owe it all to the man upstairs.
hickslawn- Thats a great birthday indeed!! My daughter would love that too (she's 3) my wife recently took her to a TS that brought a guy in with shetland ponies unfortunately I was not there cuz I was finishing up cutting wood at my neighbors but one picture said it all absolute BLISS she was in heaven!! Even got us thinking about buying one, I grew up with horses and really enjoyed barrel racing and it is something I will always have!! Lots of good stories keep them coming your onto something I have always thought its not what you have but what we do with our time here that really matters that is with our loved ones and our fellow neighbors sharing and helping out when we can to me thats what will get you a key!! It is sad to see how things are turning my little hometown is full of people that can't even hold a door or wait a second for a elderly person to get by them without huffing cuz they are the most important let alone get them to smile or throw a hand up!! Kinda sad sounds like a bunch on here really do "get it" and thats refreshing God bless us all great post
Nails....Dammit! Stand up and take a bow for bringing up such a fine topic that most people take for granted! :clap: :D
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Nails, looking at your signature all I can say is you need to get another chainsaw! :)

What really gets me jealous is the 12 attachments to the skidloader!!!!!! Talk about fun :bowdown:
Nails, looking at your signature all I can say is you need to get another chainsaw! :)

What really gets me jealous is the 12 attachments to the skidloader!!!!!! Talk about fun :bowdown:

Yeah it's fun alright. I was on a skidsteer forum a lot before I started spending my time on here. I built 9 of the attachments myself along with all 3 of my trailers. Trees and skidsteers go together like bread and butter. Next saw will be an 880/088 someday, I hope........