I really want this tree.

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It sure is weird your elderly neighbors don't want you on their property. It's not like you're the kind of guy that considers taking down their "no tresspassing" sign, and then posts pictures of said private property on the internet without their permission or anything.
I wouldn't take it down, though an old fence from 80 years ago probably isn't real accurate. On our other fence line that we were going by, ended up being 20 foot into our land. We didn't know it till the land next to us got surveyed. Your right though. I should have got written consent to put the picture of their tree. Or maybe our tree. Actually I'm pretty sure the tree that has the sign on it is on our side of the fence. If you look at the first picture by the tree on the left you can see a wire . But don't worry I'm not taking the tree or the sign down.
I think that's a lot of land owners issue with letting people cut. They are worried about the liability. That's why I pay people. I have a business, and business insurance, and health insurance. I asked my business insurance guy , what happens if I get hurt cutting on someone's property. He said my health insurance would cover it.

Offering to, or actually providing, a 'Hold Harmless' paper sometimes works. Has for me twice. Any lawyers off ice will have a 'boiler plate' form.

Harry K
If the fence line is wrong, get it surveyed and fix it. I know that one of the fence lines on my property is wrong because I got the survey done when I bought it. The old fence encroaches about 10 feet onto my property but I have no reason right now to move that fence. There is nothing I want within that 10 foot space except some dirt. If there were primo wood within that strip I might feel different about it.
It's "theirs", if you don't like it, go buy your own, then you can do what YOU want too...

Any tree's that rot to the ground is not wasted, what do you think feeds the NEXT generations seedlings??

I do what "I" want in my woodlot and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it! lol

Biologically speaking, it isn't "going to waste". Snags provide habitat for birds and insects while standing, and when on the ground provide shelters for little critters. They also rot and provide nutrients to the forest floor. If the downed log is full of grubs, it can feed a bear.

Time to mention property rights. Go find a tree on your land.
Yep ..forgot about the bugs. Gotta have the bugs. I was talking to my dad about this and the wi. DNR actually put the signs up when we leased the land to them for public access for hunting. Didn't want anyone going on the neighbors land by accident. We still lease it to them for spring turkey hunting. The sign is on our land..and I would never cut the tree without asking. And I do have plenty of trees to cut, and if this tree was 2 foot over it would be in my Woodstove right now. So for ***** sake get over it.
I'm not sure but I think that if it fell on your property the wood might still belong to your neighbor. I know if I cut a limb off of my neighbors tree because it hung over my property I have to offer anything of value (the wood) back to him. Might be different if it were laying on the ground. I think it's called the fruits law probably from back in the day with the old apple tree and such.
That's true. People have wanted to ride their dirtbikes, and 4x4's on my place. They got upset because I refused, but they'd sue me at the drop of a hat if they got injured.
don't put them all in the same category, I have had many broken bones, stitches, and trips to the hospital, all on other ppl's property. and I have never sued any of those property owners.

however if I was in your shoes I wouldn't let anyone on my property. too many bad apples out there. its a shame really.
Cut it and drag it across the line. Cut the stump low and rub dirt on it. Throw some leaves and twigs on the stump area. She will never know.
Cut it and drag it across the line. Cut the stump low and rub dirt on it. Throw some leaves and twigs on the stump area. She will never know.
The cover up would be more damning than the crime. Wouldn't do that anyway. Plus you never know who's back there or game camara's. 10 years ago a girl from down the road went turkey hunting on our property without our permission. Seen a flock of turkey's and shot 5 of them (only allowed 1) Not knowing there was a part time game warden turkey hunting in the in the neighbors woods this tree is in. She got a big ticket. We dint have her charged with trespassing, but they did make her appoligize. She said she didn't think she hit any of them , till there was 5 flopping around on the ground.
I'm not sure but I think that if it fell on your property the wood might still belong to your neighbor. I know if I cut a limb off of my neighbors tree because it hung over my property I have to offer anything of value (the wood) back to him. Might be different if it were laying on the ground. I think it's called the fruits law probably from back in the day with the old apple tree and such.
Depends on the state yer in, I think . in Ohio, I think a branch overhanging onto your property belongs to you where it crosses the line, ???

Really have no experience to prove it, need real estate lawyer
Yep, concerned about damage to your property by a falling dead tree from the neighbor's, get rid of it with a clear conscience but do cover your tracks.
Yep ..forgot about the bugs. Gotta have the bugs. I was talking to my dad about this and the wi. DNR actually put the signs up when we leased the land to them for public access for hunting. Didn't want anyone going on the neighbors land by accident. We still lease it to them for spring turkey hunting. The sign is on our land..and I would never cut the tree without asking. And I do have plenty of trees to cut, and if this tree was 2 foot over it would be in my Woodstove right now. So for ****s sake get over it.
I thought you were only burning hickory from now on:blob2:.
Boy... you sure stirred up a lot of trouble over something so non-controversial. Hopefully the wind will blow hard enough to knock the tree your way and knock the "holier than thou" right out of this thread.
Boy... you sure stirred up a lot of trouble over something so non-controversial. Hopefully the wind will blow hard enough to knock the tree your way and knock the "holier than thou" right out of this thread.
Ok, lets pump it up a little more then.
I think you should just claim imminent domain. Those old folks don't know what's best for them or the rest of the community.
Hope everyone knows this is a joke.
Unfortunately it may hit very close to home for many. I know multiple stories about imminent domain some turned out better than others.