Of course not. The cert is only 1 year old.Shaun Bowler said:I have yet to hear any contractor, homeowner, publicworks dirctor, say,
"Wait a minute, we had better get a Board Certfied Master Arborist out here before we start".
Of course not. The cert is only 1 year old.Shaun Bowler said:I have yet to hear any contractor, homeowner, publicworks dirctor, say,
"Wait a minute, we had better get a Board Certfied Master Arborist out here before we start".
It takes signing up for the test and taking it. You may have to stretch a bit, and meet other guys doing the same thing. There, of course, is the drive to get to the test site. It's not a lot of work and commitment. Commitment, yes, but honestly, compare the amount of work to ANY other profession that has certification and find out if those certifications are optional or required. I'll answer that for you. They're required. You pass the certification exam, or you do not work as a professional in that field.Shaun Bowler said:It takes a lot of work and dedication to care enough about your career to be available for the next step.
And why is that again? xtreme, it's hard to figure out what you are trying to say; how about taking a little more time in writing your posts, so we can understand?xtremetrees said:Being a C.A. restricts me in my ability to work for others, I'm in the largest metro area of my state and ethically I can only look at being employed by only 2 or 3 companies now. .
streme, I also have questions about your statistics. Have you taken a survey or what? The majority here don't spike trime.xtremetrees said:a very few others that dont spike trims.
lxt, yes I use chainsaws when I have to, no problem.lxt said:treeseer I guess you dont use chainsaws uhh!! according to your post!!! my A@# you dont.
you do not need to be a member to be certified. I agree totally with you about the reliance on booklearning and would like to see more experience in the qualifications. I butt heads with deskjockey CA's all the time who are not very practical. For bcma the test is built so you cannot pass it without considerable experience dealing with trees in the field.lets base it on ones ability & knowledge and not membership dues.