I want to get my CA credentials

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Jul 11, 2003
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I run a legit One man show , I have my own equipment and do word of mouth business only ( my choice ) . I have a great reputation and I work on upscale properties where the clients understand the value of trees. I feel truly blessed.

Many of my clients assume that I am a CA after a conversation about their trees and property but I humbly let them know that I`m not credited.

I started on the right track many years ago workng at Bartlett and then ventured out on my own 4 years ago. I read tree and plant books compulsively and have a decent basic knowlege concerning trees and plants. BUT.........

My tree Latin sucks, I consider my Tree ID abilities substandard when considering rare species in my region and I`m weak on tree disease and IPM

Most of my CA friends went through 4 year Urban Forrestry programs. I`m to old/busy for college. What steps can I take ( should I take ) to get certified?

Thanks for your help. I`m to the point in my career that I`m feeling guilty not being certified. Its time I get the credentials

Glenn Gertz
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Check out ISA over there, they have a CA study guide and you sit a test and bingo.

You could cram it and have a cert in no time, they dont even ask you to climb a tree!
Ekka said:
Check out ISA over there, they have a CA study guide and you sit a test and bingo.

You could cram it and have a cert in no time, they dont even ask you to climb a tree!


I wish they`d ask me to climb a tree . The mechanics I got but the biology I`m lacking. I`m an ISA member but I thought it was tougher than cram and tick.

GlennG said:
I thought it was tougher than cram and tick.
I don't know who cram and tick are, but I don't want to run into them.;)

If Bio is the issue, try ISA's cd on it. It takes you on a very deliberate walkthrough on the topic, and you can use it after you're certified to get CEU's.
I took Bio in college but it was not specific enough for the CA. A 4 yr college degree to prepare for the CA is like an elephant gun to get a mosquito. There are good online arbo courses at north dakota, and brcc in va, which is not that far from you.

For the ID, get a good field guide and start keying out the ones you don't know. Clients are impressed by the ability to use a field guide (and the humility to say "I don't know").

After you're certified you should be able to charge for consultations instead of giving free estimates.:bang: (there needs to be a smiley for shooting yourself in the foot)
the next CA local exam is in Meadville in September. Then Erie in November and PGH next June. You CAN be ready by September.
See ya there ;)

BTW, they will only have natives and common invasives on the ID. no funky cultivars like Dwarf Pink Princess Japenese Highland Dogwood :dizzy:
Are you feeling guilty about not being Cert. or about spikeing your trims.
Yesterday I spiked a pine but it was only because I couldnt safetly tie into a 30 foot popular.
Thanks for the encouragement. I ordered the study guide! So I`m on my way .

Cram and tick means to "cram for exam" and and then "mark" or "tick" the the answer box`s. I heard the term from an old Brittish friend.

Xtreme...for the record I have never spiked a prune. If you can help me achieve my CA cert with either knowlege or encouragement then by all means speak up. To be honest I can`t see how your reply was a benefit to this thread.

Thanks Guys

Don't run at it hard. Cramming is for a twenty-year-old brain. A brain unfouled by the another decade of percentage trade-offs, mortgage renewals, vehicle overhauls, investment write-offs, relationship commitments,
children, PTA meetings, realisation of debt v. worth, etc.

I was in the same boat.

Put the test off, you're working productively up till now, the CA is just a goal.

Learn one species a day. The common name , the Latin name, it's bud shape, bark appearance, and it's bugs. One a day.

In sixty days you'll know sixty trees inside-out.

Hope this helps.

Mike, sorry for the late reply. I`m in Baden and I work in the Sewickley area 99% of the time. Sometimes I work in Cory ,Moon or Hopewell but Sewickley keeps me pretty tied up . Are you the outdoors editor? I think we talked here a while back.

Red.......Your philosophy hits the nail on the head. Well put, you have me figured out to the T.

I`m still craming though, its a neat book. I`m going to get Michael Dirrs ( sp ? ) book also.

Today was a nasty dead rotten red oak over the clients house and pool. YUCk , Yuck Yuck and more yuck. Quercus Stinkus Poopus spp.

Thanks Guys and Gals

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