IBC Totes -- Firewood system upgrade!

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That sounds like a perfect reason to buy a bigger tractor to mešŸ˜€

Weā€™ll it was the small tractor with the backhoe or the bigger tractor without the backhoe. The backhoe is pretty awesome to have. I got it in February so itā€™s gonna be a while before I can even consider that haha.
Generally just curious, why would you be condemned for using IBC totes to store firewood? You are basically recycling if you ask me.,...........
The reason some would condemn you for using them is because some see your use of them as supporting Agriculture. A huge amount of the totes originally contained farm herbicides. They are safe to use but some far left environmentalist anti-agriculture people may see your use of them as a contributing factor
I completely disagree with them
The reason some would condemn you for using them is because some see your use of them as supporting Agriculture. A huge amount of the totes originally contained farm herbicides. They are safe to use but some far left environmentalist anti-agriculture people may see your use of them as a contributing factor
I completely disagree with them

Got a link to something about this condemning the use of totes?

Chemical contaminated totes sound risky. How do you clean them up?
Well right now I am hospitalized and do not have my computer. I am on my phone which I barely know how to use. I do not know how to copy and paste on this thing. Try www.extensionpublications.unl.edu
The cleaning process had not changed. The standard is still a triple rinse. It is a long time accepted practice and is EPA compliant

As for condemnation for using them it is simple. There are folks that are so set in their anti-agriculture views that they see folks that use the chemical totes as supporting Agriculture therefore they condemn those folks.
The people that donā€™t support agriculture can go Hurgry, where does there food come from? What a joke
Well sadly there are many folks who have no idea where the food they eat comes from. I am always amazed by folks that talk about how we should not be feeding corn to hogs,cattle, and other animals. They say it is inefficient and it should be grown for human consumption. It shows their total ignorance of agriculture in general.

Now to get back on topic. Out of curiosity I looked for totes on our local craigslist. Wow, folks are asking a lot. I guess I need to look for some this winter
Well sadly there are many folks who have no idea where the food they eat comes from. I am always amazed by folks that talk about how we should not be feeding corn to hogs,cattle, and other animals. They say it is inefficient and it should be grown for human consumption. It shows their total ignorance of agriculture in general.

Now to get back on topic. Out of curiosity I looked for totes on our local craigslist. Wow, folks are asking a lot. I guess I need to look for some this winter

Yeah this is what I was talking about as well. They seem to vary greatly by where you are located. Some people seem to not even be able to locate them and when they do, they seem very expensive. In other areas it seems like people have trouble giving them away. So I have looked around and cannot find them cheap so getting them from my local firewood guy at a small cost seems to be my best option. He was honest and told me that they are used for either motor oil or coolant. I would think farmer pesticides like glyphosate would be worse.

Anyway off subject I debated politics in college and believe me you think you realize how ignorant a lot of these people are but you really do not. That is, until you get to debate them and realize what little history and actual scientific based knowledge they have. It really is quite scary to say the least. A lot of these people have education that far surpasses my own but yet they cannot think a single thought for themselves outside of their university. I was born and raised in Charles Town, West Virginia so I learned first hand that the respect that farmers deserve. I am 33 years old and my peers and especially students younger than myself really, really scare me.

"Teach people how to think, rather than what to think" The last person I heard say this was Thomas Sowell not sure if he came up with it originally but it sure is true.
Well sadly there are many folks who have no idea where the food they eat comes from. I am always amazed by folks that talk about how we should not be feeding corn to hogs,cattle, and other animals. They say it is inefficient and it should be grown for human consumption. It shows their total ignorance of agriculture in general.

Now to get back on topic. Out of curiosity I looked for totes on our local craigslist. Wow, folks are asking a lot. I guess I need to look for some this winter
You might have mentioned it, but where in IL are you?
I would love to get one or two totes but in Mass they are like$150 or so. Most of them had olive oil or vodka in them. I would love to recycle the totes. Not sure if I cut them up they would take them. I can see them avoiding it being afraid of what was in them. I would like to think that if I had proof they were food grade someone would take them for rain water storage or whatever else.
I would love to get one or two totes but in Mass they are like$150 or so. Most of them had olive oil or vodka in them. I would love to recycle the totes. Not sure if I cut them up they would take them. I can see them avoiding it being afraid of what was in them. I would like to think that if I had proof they were food grade someone would take them for rain water storage or whatever else.
Who are "They"? Your recycling people? I just cut my up and place in my recycle dumpster after a quick rinse. Especially if it's food grade stuff like yours.
You might have mentioned it, but where in IL are you?
I am in far western Illinois right on the Iowa border. I live on top of the Mississippi River Bluff looking across to Muscatine Iowa. We have no Illinois towns. I am almost exactly half way between the Wisconsin and Missouri tri state borders.
RGrr c.............. He was honest and told me that they are used for either motor oil or coolant. I would think farmer pesticides like glyphosate would be worse.
I am really puzzled by how much folks are concerned about what the totes originally contained. I am not sure why it matters. You discarding the plastic tote and just using the metal frame. If the tote still contains some liquid just drill a hole in one corner and empty it out into empty milk jugs. If it is oil or coolant many auto parts will take it for recycling. If is vodka, olive oil, or something else food grade just dispose of it in your garden. Most are not going to use the plastic so triple rinse it and cut it onto pieces for normal recycling.

Now some are concerned about ones used for farm chemicals such as Glyphosate. The standard for farm chemicals is the same. Just
triple rinse them. If there is chemical left in it drain it into milk jugs. If you live in a farm area give it to a farmer. If that is not feasible your county probably has a one day cleanup
I am really puzzled by how much folks are concerned about what the totes originally contained. I am not sure why it matters. You discarding the plastic tote and just using the metal frame.

It can matter a whole lot what was in the container. Offering generic advice that all totes are equally safe is not only poor advice, it is dangerous advice.

Ever run across a tote that contained Vydate? It is widely used.

"They" want you to use a respirator and a hazmat suit to hang drywall or handle other inert items. You end up looking like a cowboy after OSHA. As a kid, I had to cut asbestos board with a skilsaw. I had to get in an attic filled with black mold, and knock down the plaster, lath, mold and all. I sprayed DDT, chlorinated hydrocarbon replacements for DDT, (much worse) and a myriad of other ag chem, including glyphosate. We used carbon tetrachloride to clean stuff, washed parts in gasoline, welded plastic with Methyl Ethyl Ketone. All without safety equipment. We rode in cars and trucks without seatbelts. We rode to town and back standing in the back of the truck. We sat 4 across the truck seats. We drove tricycle tractors in hilly country. Yes, I rolled one, with witnesses. Some folks flew airplanes. We swam in the muddy Mississippi and watched turds float by, and water moccasins in the trees. We hiked in hills where rattlesnakes were known to be. We burned leaves, trash, and used burning tires to fight frost damage. I had to drive trucks with sketchy single circuit brakes that you always had to pump before you'd get any brake. I hand cranked tractors and other engines. Somehow we survived. I have all my appendages and never had a broken bone.

The human animal is much more resilient than "experts" give us credit for being. Yes, if you do something all the time, use appropriate safety equipment. If you know you are particularly vulnerable to something, use the appropriate safety equipment. But use some of that now almost extinct commodity, common sense.

Yes, I am approaching geezerdom, but not there yet. I am not afraid to use an IBC, including cutting up the liner and sending it to recycle. But I will still be pitching firewood multiple times because I don't have equipment now to move an IBC or other container. Cutting and splitting and pitching, and stacking firewood is better exercise than any gym. Those of us who can are very lucky to be able to work out in the best gym there is. God's country.
Unfortunately, my totes are stationary too. As I said just for cut-offs at my splitting area. Would like to have a few more, but than I'd be handling it more. And yes, I partly do firewood for the exercise.

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