Independant Employment in the Chainsaw Industry

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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Hello Walt Galer, I have been scratching my head for over 6 months trying to decide where your illustrious future will take you in the chainsaw world and I have discovered it.
Now this is serious stuff and I am not joking.
You know how at fairs and carnivals and Timbersprorts events they have those machines where you ring the bell? Well you could get one of those and charge 20$, if you ring three times you win a tee shirt that says: "My Drinking Crew Has a Logging Problem" or a Stihl toy chainsaw or a loop of chain. Non winners would recieve a consolation prize of a 3 pack of files or an " Earth First, I'll log the other Planets Later" sitcker. You could also have saws there for sale as well.
Not only would you make $$ hand over fist, but you could travel all over the States and Canada while taking in events at the same time. You would be called the "Chainsaw Carney".
Anyway, thats what I want to be when I grow up.
Toby Tyler
Howdy John,

I assume that Robin must have dropped that model 270 PM Canadien on your head.

Walt Galer
For those woodticks that can't read the Finnish language, the caption says "you're not going to fall this tree, I swallowed the key.
Art Martin
Thanks Art, guess I was one of those wood ticks.

Hey Gypo, how bout the T shirts say that "My drinking crew has a Log in problem" Instead of logging problem, with a pic of someone sawing up the computer. I guess I may be from the woods but never heard that line, and laughed my tail off.:D
I don't know about the shirts or files, but if someone can't tell me where to get one of those bumper stickers, I'm having one made.
Somthing to think about...

~What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree? The purpose of the giant sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse.

~Our modern industrial economy takes a mountain covered with trees, lakes, running streams and transforms it into a mountain of junk, garbage, slime pits, and debris.

Ed Abbey

oh, and don't forget...Hayduke Lives!


I am in agreement with you and brothers Abbey and Jefferson. But you can you tell me that you wouldn't get a chuckle if you saw that sticker on the back of a crusty 40- year old 2- ton truck chock-full of wood chips tooling up University Ave, spilling a little at every pothole?

The boys around these parts have another one for a bumper sticker:

Enviromentalists are welcome in Montana.
Please leave your car at the border, and walk in.

Walt Galer

No, wasn't me. Lunch sounds good. We'll have a chipper truck pull-off. Loser buys. Check your e-mail.

-high life man.
Hi there, I came up with another brain storm, ouch!
If I bought a 200 acre parcel of second growth timber in a remote area, built a few cabins and used it as a loggers, chainsaw training camp, do you think I could get much clientel?
Each cutter could have his own patch of wood and could manage it for the forest. One could simply come out there to relax or have fun just atving around or go fishing. On staff we could have......
Lets see: Babcock could hold the mortgage.
Rotax could be the bar tender
RB tree could be the topper
Dennis could be Mr. Bean
Ken could keep the motorsycles and chainsaws running
Walt and Art could do the filing
I could give lessons on stump jumping
mryb could go for the beer runs this time
And of course, Robyn could be the camp wench
Jokers could give chainsaw instructions.
Kevin could be the Great White Hunter.
Huskyman could be the bouncer.
I know I have left a few out, and not being a good deligator of authority, could you people suggest who we might place in which capacity to have a good Logging camp? Staff would be approx. 20 persons so I need help from you all so I know who I can place where.
Thanks in advance for all suggestions.
Opps sorry, disention amongst the ranks already. Chainsaw World(Marty) is the chainsaw safety instructor, Jokers is the chainsaw messenger and single handed sumac faller.
Single Handed...

nearly! I`ve done some awful things to my poor left hand beside trimming my finger nails with the 019. Let`s see( for the sake of everyone elses entertainment), ran the tips of my middle and ring fingers through my tablesaw nicking the bones and several nerves, jammed the middle finger against a swinging door in one of our famous Lake Ontario 300mph wind gusts causing a "mallet finger", and smashed the big joint on my thumb driving a ground rod with my 28oz waffle head framing hammer on a 20° F day, no gloves of course. Saw a nice white flash on that one! Oh yeah, and there was the time when I pinched three fingers driving a pickle fork with a 3# hammer, and .....
:D Russ
The same sort of idea has come up with a friend of mine who used to run a grapple yarder out of Caycuse camp in the late 70's.
We thought maybe we would have rich Japanese and European tourists pay big dollars to "be a logger" for a day, week ect.
The problem we never solved was the liability of having a bunch of tourists running the equipment.
On the island here we have the trees the equipment and the land, just can't afford the lawyers.:mad:
I understand there is another eco-tourism opportunity.
It seems that the orientals believe that if they concieve their child under the Northern Lights, then the baby will be very special.
So just go into business and call it the Stabbin Cabin, or Fu King Lodge.
Frank's Planks

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