Inexperienced feller looking for advice.

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On most old saws the sight lines were prominent.

I played with the sightlines today and found it much easier to get my facecuts to line up at the same point now. Also makes it easier to keep the backcut parallel with the facecuts. I'm definately going to pay more attention to these now.

My brother in law and I went back today and cut for about 4 more hours. We are actually much much further that I had originally thought. He's in town with his wife for a few days and is a firewood cutter as well, but doesn't do near as much as I do.

We came across a big cottonwood. I need a bigger bar now, bigger saw would be better :) I cut a snipe in the facecut and tried that out. Here's the video. Ole creaky thing. It was fun.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Doesn't look very big.



How does it look? I had to make multiple cuts in order to complete the face cuts and backcut. My bar was short by about 8".

Another tree.

Stump. Comments?

We took another tree down and after it hit the creekbottom it cracked open at a crotch. Apparently some honeybees made it home. I had no idea. They weren't very excited, chalk that up to the cold weather. Would have sucked if it was summer and they were up to their full potential though. I'd like to take them so they don't die but I haven't the slightest clue on how to treat them.

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Form one Certed Firewood Hack to another, I think it looks pretty good, yeah if it was about 30 degrees warmer you mighta been runnin like you had a dog chasing you :msp_tongue:
I was trying to figure out how to change the line below my username. How do you do it?!

When the tree hit I heard a buzz but didn't think anything of it. Guess there's always one feisty little bastard amongst the colony. I bet his name was BuzzyMac.
I was trying to figure out how to change the line below my username. How do you do it?!

When the tree hit I heard a buzz but didn't think anything of it. Guess there's always one feisty little bastard amongst the colony. I bet his name was BuzzyMac.

Go to the Market and click on User Title and you should be good to go
...We took another tree down and after it hit the creekbottom it cracked open at a crotch. Apparently some honeybees made it home. I had no idea. They weren't very excited, chalk that up to the cold weather. Would have sucked if it was summer and they were up to their full potential though. I'd like to take them so they don't die but I haven't the slightest clue on how to treat them.

That is a "bee tree"!

The way you "treat them" is to run for your life! (Along that escape route you should have cleared. :smile2: )
That is a "bee tree"!

The way you "treat them" is to run for your life! (Along that escape route you should have cleared. :smile2: )

Two escape routes, to be exact. Dry ones atleast. Had another one but it required going knee deep in the creek. Guess that'd be better than 6ft deep in the ground :msp_razz:
It looks like your horizontal bypassed your vertical face cut. This causes the face to close on the kirf, not the face, and can cause excessive fiber pull or a barberchair tendency. Make sure your face cuts match.
Thats what I was thinking too. Bypassed cuts are fun when you are trying to make them though.

OH Var- When putting your face in what cut do you make first?
Form one Certed Firewood Hack to another, I think it looks pretty good, yeah if it was about 30 degrees warmer you mighta been runnin like you had a dog chasing you :msp_tongue:

Gawdammit, now I gotta go and get certified? Jeez, it was sooo much easier just being a rep ho.
It looks like your horizontal bypassed your vertical face cut. This causes the face to close on the kirf, not the face, and can cause excessive fiber pull or a barberchair tendency. Make sure your face cuts match.

Ahh I see. If it closes on the kerf then it will lift the tree a bit as it's going over and pull the fibers?

Thats what I was thinking too. Bypassed cuts are fun when you are trying to make them though.

OH Var- When putting your face in what cut do you make first?

I put my vertical cut in first then try to match the horizontal cut. A lot of times I'm not level with my horizontal cut and I end up having to cut my vertical deeper to complete the cuts. Most of the time they don't match but I'm getter better at it the more I do.

Gawdammit, now I gotta go and get certified? Jeez, it was sooo much easier just being a rep ho.

I'm passing the torch, so now you're certified, hack! :msp_thumbsup:
Ahh I see. If it closes on the kerf then it will lift the tree a bit as it's going over and pull the fibers?

I put my vertical cut in first then try to match the horizontal cut. A lot of times I'm not level with my horizontal cut and I end up having to cut my vertical deeper to complete the cuts. Most of the time they don't match but I'm getter better at it the more I do.

I'm passing the torch, so now you're certified, hack! :msp_thumbsup:

we're gonna have to change our titles to OG certed wood hack, to differentiate between the founding fathers and the progeny :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
I hate finding bald face hornet nests. Yellow jackets are just a bother to me.

I enjoy laying in the yard by the house & watching the bald face hornets & yellow jackets cruising about a foot off the ground looking for something to eat.
Dude as long as you cut your backcut in at a 45 you don't need no fancy assed facecut

but seriously, you gonna get some video or what?

Out of 95 or so trees, only 3 or 4 had the ol' face and backcut. The rest, just zipped em down.

Clearcutting trees for a guy, leaving waist high stumps. A D7 will be coming in next year. Should be easy work for the dozer man.

These trees aren't video worthy, lol.