injured logger charity give away

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the bid still stands at 250 on the cliff helsel full out race chain ,lets get this on up there guys. also up for grabs is a long list of saws ,homelite 2000,stihl 064/066 ported, husky 288xp, solo 667,solo 690,josered 52e,dolmar 7900. this is a awsome list of prizesfor the charity drawing. so come on guys lets get to giving
the bid still stands at 250 on the cliff helsel full out race chain...

so how did your pipe saw do brad?

...I'm going to set it up with a 20" B&C.

i know where you could get a a heck of a deal on a 72dl cliff helsel chain :hmm3grin2orange:

I didn't realize he was doing it for a 20" bar. Hmmmm.

yes indeed 72dl of thinned by mel lentz and filed by cliff helsel chain. probably a once in a life time chance for most people to be able to try and buy one.

Make it $275.
maclaren your out at 250 and brads in at 275,,,,can i get a $300 bid from anyone, maclaren????? get in here brads trying to steal your acorn:hmm3grin2orange:??

Where was this opportunity when I was going through the trial and error process of trying to produce a decent race chain.Hmmmm.Buy the chain,see how it cuts,give it the Chinese cloning exam,post the opportunity to others(for a nominal fee).Then pass the chain around.Actually this a serious bargain if the chain is a bona fide race chain.Lemme see,untold hours of my scheming, filing and testing OR I could buy the product of a bona fide racing chain expert.Of course seeing what works and duplicating it is another issue.Still,having this chain to learn from seems like a bargain.
maclaren your out at 250 and brads in at 275,,,,can i get a $300 bid from anyone, maclaren????? get in here brads trying to steal your acorn:hmm3grin2orange:??

Keep bidding fellas... :hmm3grin2orange:
I got a number in my head...
And it ain't there yet...
Just sayin...
maclaren your high bidder at 300 ,,,,, heeeyyyyyy brad can i get 325???????????????:msp_thumbsup:
got an idea

How about an auction of an unedited tape of the upcoming gtg?If I had recorded some of the antics/dysfunction/BSing during and after some competitions I'd be a rich man today.Some of my best insults are borrowed from other likeminded crazy people.Example;"You sound like a manure salesman with a mouthful of samples."And of course the memory of the competitor who cut the rental picnic table in half surrounded by seated, drinking/drunk competitors reenacting Paul Newman in "Sometimes a Great Notion".(with my saw and race chain).Or the scene of him coming out of the rental potty that had been used by 300 people all day.Having just pissed off 15 people and destroying a chain I'd just won three classes with;we pushed the crapper over with him in it with the door facing up.Of course when he'd open the door to make his escape, he'd instantly be pelted with crushed stone.I'll never forget the image of him emerging through the door only to see he and his new Husqvarna hunting knife(prize) strapped to his side covered with toilet paper and...Ah,so many laughs,so little time.
right now it looks like it will fit maclarens 390 :hmm3grin2orange:
maclaren you sir have been outbid.are you gonna let brad take your new found toy???????? do i here $400:msp_ohmy:
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