Introducing Brand New Wood Furnace to Market - The Drolet Tundra!

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Sounds like a large recall is in order. CO is nothing to take lightly, can't see it or smell it. If I bought one I would return it, if they missed that what else was over looked. If I bought a used one I would weld that ash drop hole closed permanently. Take no chances. Guess that's why they cost less than a quality wood stove. Hmmm.
it is hard to believe this was something overlooked. Especially when the manual states do not operate with ash pan removed or it could damage the unit. why would it say something like this. what damage could possible occur by running a wood stove worth the ash pan removed. unless it was connected to the fire box or the air plenum in this case. since it is written in the manual it seems to me this would have been something they knew about before being sold to the public. but thats just speculation on my part. It makes me what to get a passport, go to canada, had have a few words with some people.
Ahhhh crap!!!! I've been on vaca and just got back and got a message from a friend about these issues. Just finished reading the rants. Dammit!! I hope they will fix the problems and compensate spadjen for the crap he went through.
Cloud ITs words in black, mine added in red...
... if you think the blower being mounted like the attached photo is "inconsequential" in the big picture of static pressure then you are flat out wrong. I was referring to what you said about air leaking from the front of the ash drawer and the furnace seams. You're right, that gap is not inconsequential.

Third, I'm not waging all out war against anyone. Really? Threatening to make sure that your "Tundra/Heatmax furnaces are junk and dangerous" blog (or whatever) comes up in an internet search before any manufacturer info sounds like war drums to me. Just saying...
I've made tons of positive comments in this thread about this furnace. Not lately
It has great potential Yup, still does, sounds like they definitely need to tie up some serious loose ends though...
but as the SBI rep told me, they simply cut too many corners in the development and went too far with reducing cost. And probably shoved'em out the door too soon without enough R n D
Fourth, I've had repeated issues that go weeks without getting a reply. Pitiful.
Their customer service is bad, like really bad. My standards are probably a bit higher than most because I expect a similar type of experience that I provide for my customers. SBI's CS isn't even remotely close. Fifth, I was told that I would get a prototype replacement furnace to test to see if the issues were fully resolved. The "fix" wasn't supposed to be ready until Jan It's not January yet
and I started complaining about these issues and made contact with SBI in September. So you want a hurry up patch to fix their hurry up mistake? I would think it would take a bit of time to get a remedy like this through all the necessary channels, especially in a large corporation.
Their promise became a lie right before Christmas and I was told there was no fix for the ash pan gap and that I could get a bracket to fix the blower gap Maybe ya pizzed 'em off
You guys speak as if you are affiliated with SBI in some way. Yeah, I'm a way deep uncover rep for them, that's why I have a Yukon furnace and a Vogelzang stove.
I have no such affiliation and that gives me the liberty to speak openly about the furnace defects.
I have no affiliation with SBI, don't even know anybody who does.
OK, look, I'm just a fellow wood burner who found this furnace interesting right from the beginning. Somebody was finally gonna make a modern, efficient, clean burn wood furnace that is only $5-800 (read: affordable) more than the China made smoke dragon crap that is so prevalent on the market. So yeah, I jumped in this thread with questions right from the beginning because I have family that I thought may have been interested in one. Heck, had I not installed my Yukon last year, I may have been first in line for a Tunda/Heatmax my own self. I feel for ya Cloud and all the rest of ya's too, this could have easily been me or my family. I'd be mad too.
I wasn't trying to "rip anybody a new one" before, simply encouraging you to wait a few more days to see how SBI does for the rest of these guys. Life has taught me that patience often pays off. SBI has a decent enough reputation, I find it hard to believe that they will ignore these problems, especially the CO issue! Serious crap there!
Although, sitting here typing, I just realized that my Vogelzang stove has a totally unsealed ash drawer, as do many other free standing stoves. I know the Tundra furnace blower adds a twist here, but hey, plenty of stoves have blowers, and most stoves are sitting right in your living space. Why no CO problems there?
Anyways, I'm gonna sit out on this thread as far as the current issues go as I have no skin in the game and I'm not here to stir up any trouble. Good luck guys!
Oh, and one last thing...

Please point me to where I can get a tundra/heatmax for $1500. I paid $1800 + tax + shipping and it was the absolute cheapest I could get it for. Here ya go Cloud...
I know you said $1500, this one is sub $1500, sorry. :D
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it is hard to believe this was something overlooked. Especially when the manual states do not operate with ash pan removed or it could damage the unit. why would it say something like this. what damage could possible occur by running a wood stove worth the ash pan removed. unless it was connected to the fire box or the air plenum in this case. since it is written in the manual it seems to me this would have been something they knew about before being sold to the public. but thats just speculation on my part. It makes me what to get a passport, go to canada, had have a few words with some people.

I never even noticed that. This means that they KNEW about this issue before they wrote the manual. If you have ash pan open all the air will exit via the ash pan and you won't be able to cool off the firebox properly. It's gotta be why there are 2 bolts on the freaking ash pan!

I think the only question is if it was ignorance or corporate greed.

BTW that image of the 1444.99 price doesn't say where it is but I probably called them and they don't ship.
I called and spoke to them. They said they would ship it to me and the cost would be 275.00 to ship it and they are in Mich.
Just wondering, have any of you guys with these filed a report with the CPSC? I think if it's as described, it's a prime candidate for a recall:

On a side note, I wonder if some of this might have been part of the reason for Fyrebug's leaving SBI? I bet he's happy to not have to be the front man for this fiasco. He was always a stand up guy in my dealings with him, and part of the reason I bought a HT2000 instead of an NC30 last year.
On a side note, I wonder if some of this might have been part of the reason for Fyrebug's leaving SBI? I bet he's happy to not have to be the front man for this fiasco. He was always a stand up guy in my dealings with him, and part of the reason I bought a HT2000 instead of an NC30 last year.

My thoughts also. He always dealt with us if we had any issues, as well as multiple people on hearth. A recall should be the least they could do.
Seeing these design problems is very unfortunate. Anyone that really knows my dad understands the #1 reason he spent all of these years designing the Kuuma Vapor-Fire the way he did was SAFETY!! Burning wood can be dangerous and nothing is more important than your family's safety. I understand why some would want to save $'s when purchasing a furnace but when you actually think about the value of someone's health and life it doesn't make much sense.

I will tell you that there is currently very little mark up at all on our Kuuma Vapor-Fire furnaces. So if you do the math you can understand the quality difference in materials used. Granted we probably don't receive the best pricing when comparing a few hundred versus thousands annually but it's not probably not enough to justify that gap.

As far as customer service that really a joke and I feel for anyone dealing with it. I like to deal with companies who provide the service I would expect when any questions or issues arise. At this time of the year there isn't a weekend that goes by when my dad isn't talking to a new owner about their set-up and getting everything running correctly. I will say that as we have grown and expanded nationally the past few years there is so many people who don't initially set-up their furnaces correctly (detailed instruction manual is included for a reason:)) and I can't imagine how upset some would be if my dad wasn't so patient and accessible to get things up and running.
Holy crap. I was keeping tabs on this thing, and recommending it for people to check out. Things seem to have changed a bit - hopefully fixes get made & people get looked after.
the last time I was in Family Farm and Home (Peru Indiana) they had them on Managers special for $1529 I think. and someone on here had a pic at a FFH for $1444 yes that is under $1500. sorry no pics for you non believers, only my word. The lady at the register said the special would probably last till March 2014. as far as the problem goes as long as you don't use the ash pan from the start they are a pretty efficient furnace correct? My dad has a Norseman 2500 he bought at menards 3-4 yrs ago and the welds at the corners of the door have cracked already, and he paid $1200. so as stated before WHEN YOU BUY QUALITY YOU ONLY CRY ONCE!!!!! I do feel for you guys that were unaware of this problem and purchased it unknowing. just imagine the good old days before computer or AS... a lot of people would have never known Or never Woke UP.
IMO, the quick *fix* from SBI would be to send people a new owners manual telling them to not leave ashes in the ash pan (presuming that it doesn't already!).

People always want things cheaper and cheaper, and well, this is what you get. Use the ash plug and always empty ash from the ash pan.

Another $300 for an ash grate, sealed ash area and a gasket on the ash door would have been money well spent, but all the majority of consumers look at is the price tag. Wish the trend would reverse and people would save up money for quality products, instead of buying the cheapest and complaining about how they deserved more.
IMO, the quick *fix* from SBI would be to send people a new owners manual telling them to not leave ashes in the ash pan (presuming that it doesn't already!).

People always want things cheaper and cheaper, and well, this is what you get. Use the ash plug and always empty ash from the ash pan.

Another $300 for an ash grate, sealed ash area and a gasket on the ash door would have been money well spent, but all the majority of consumers look at is the price tag. Wish the trend would reverse and people would save up money for quality products, instead of buying the cheapest and complaining about how they deserved more.

you are kidding me right? first let me say you are not the only one to make a comment like this so this is directed at thoes that make this type of comment. Yes i would like to buy the best thing out there but who are you to assume you know everyone's situation. It took me a while to save for this one. i dont make much money so i do need to shop around and watch my wallet. you have no clue why i bought this or why i decided to switch to a wood furnace from a wood stove. I did alot of research on not just the cost but the company, the efficiency, and product class. if i wanted cheaper i would have went to home depot or tractor supply and gotten an inefficient wood furnace there for $700 less. I bought this since it was efficient and i have had drolet stoves before. I would assume cost savings to be in bells and whistles or parts that may not last as long and the higher production levels of the company? Why does saving money mean sacrificing safety? so i buy a ford focus and not a BMW and i should expect it to kill me? WTF are you thinking. I know plenty of people that bought a toyata and spent more money on it just to send them down the highway at over a 100 mph. What do you have to say to them genius? I am surprised at the ability of some dumb individuals like your self to operate a key board. Nice of you to place blame on me since i wanted "something cheep" and i am responsible for almost killing my family. You dont know the hours i spent in front of the computer researching wood furnaces. I even called dealers, the company and even an owner. But i guess when they try to cover it up and tell others not to say anything i would have never have found anything anyway. But yep...I guess this is what happens when people just look at the price. I know a place you can stick your ash pan.
Seeing these design problems is very unfortunate. Anyone that really knows my dad understands the #1 reason he spent all of these years designing the Kuuma Vapor-Fire the way he did was SAFETY!! Burning wood can be dangerous and nothing is more important than your family's safety. I understand why some would want to save $'s when purchasing a furnace but when you actually think about the value of someone's health and life it doesn't make much sense.

I will tell you that there is currently very little mark up at all on our Kuuma Vapor-Fire furnaces. So if you do the math you can understand the quality difference in materials used. Granted we probably don't receive the best pricing when comparing a few hundred versus thousands annually but it's not probably not enough to justify that gap.

As far as customer service that really a joke and I feel for anyone dealing with it. I like to deal with companies who provide the service I would expect when any questions or issues arise. At this time of the year there isn't a weekend that goes by when my dad isn't talking to a new owner about their set-up and getting everything running correctly. I will say that as we have grown and expanded nationally the past few years there is so many people who don't initially set-up their furnaces correctly (detailed instruction manual is included for a reason:)) and I can't imagine how upset some would be if my dad wasn't so patient and accessible to get things up and running.
see my post above. would have loved to buy your furnace. I did actually check them out. but i just cant spend 3x the amount. I am not saying they are not worth it or that i wont spend that....its that i cant. I know you would loose the family typ feel but i wish there was a way a company like yours could go into high production into some box stores and flood the market with a good product. that would certainly help to lower cost and help those that want a furnace like yours to be within there reach.
Just wondering, have any of you guys with these filed a report with the CPSC? I think if it's as described, it's a prime candidate for a recall:

On a side note, I wonder if some of this might have been part of the reason for Fyrebug's leaving SBI? I bet he's happy to not have to be the front man for this fiasco. He was always a stand up guy in my dealings with him, and part of the reason I bought a HT2000 instead of an NC30 last year.
thanks for the link. i will follow up there. I talked to the state fire marshal on the 31st and they are sending a mechanical inspector over.
I emailed the company and received a reply in less than 24 hours stating that this is not normal and that they wanted photos.

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when i talked to them they told me they are open but the engineering and related departments are off until next week. they had almost 2 weeks off for the holiday and basicly shut down the part of the company that would have a serious responce to this. i guess they will walk in to a mess on monday.
IMO, the quick *fix* from SBI would be to send people a new owners manual telling them to not leave ashes in the ash pan (presuming that it doesn't already!).

People always want things cheaper and cheaper, and well, this is what you get. Use the ash plug and always empty ash from the ash pan.

Another $300 for an ash grate, sealed ash area and a gasket on the ash door would have been money well spent, but all the majority of consumers look at is the price tag. Wish the trend would reverse and people would save up money for quality products, instead of buying the cheapest and complaining about how they deserved more.

That just blew my mind! Are you implying we bought this solely on cost? It was a factor yes but we don't deserve to have a stove sold to us that can kill our family! In all the research I did no where did it say; this can kill you because you are a cheap ass. Don't think I would have purchased it. I havnt used the ash pan. I just scoop them out. It just freaks me out a bit.
you are kidding me right? first let me say you are not the only one to make a comment like this so this is directed at thoes that make this type of comment. Yes i would like to buy the best thing out there but who are you to assume you know everyone's situation. It took me a while to save for this one. i dont make much money so i do need to shop around and watch my wallet. you have no clue why i bought this or why i decided to switch to a wood furnace from a wood stove. I did alot of research on not just the cost but the company, the efficiency, and product class. if i wanted cheaper i would have went to home depot or tractor supply and gotten an inefficient wood furnace there for $700 less. I bought this since it was efficient and i have had drolet stoves before. I would assume cost savings to be in bells and whistles or parts that may not last as long and the higher production levels of the company?
I never said I knew everyone's situation. If a stove fits the budget, buy a stove. If a furnace fits, then buy a furnace. I've actively followed the threads for this furnace both on here and another notable heart site. Everyone kept trying to identify the price difference justification through pictures and brief inspection and decreed for the most part that this new furnace offering was the best choice based on price. What happens when people "assume"? You were right to some extent, with the new one the bell/whistle of letting ashes sit in the ash pan is a difference.
Why does saving money mean sacrificing safety? so i buy a ford focus and not a BMW and i should expect it to kill me? WTF are you thinking. I know plenty of people that bought a toyata and spent more money on it just to send them down the highway at over a 100 mph. What do you have to say to them genius? I am surprised at the ability of some dumb individuals like your self to operate a key board. Nice of you to place blame on me since i wanted "something cheep" and i am responsible for almost killing my family. You dont know the hours i spent in front of the computer researching wood furnaces. I even called dealers, the company and even an owner. But i guess when they try to cover it up and tell others not to say anything i would have never have found anything anyway. But yep...I guess this is what happens when people just look at the price. I know a place you can stick your ash pan.
Any wood furnace/stove can kill you if you let CO occur while leaving the coals sit out. For anyone owning this furnace, use the plug for the combustion chamber and empty the ash pan after removing ashes from the firebox. It seems as simple as that. Instead people come on here to complain about how it should have been designed like a Caddy with regards to ash removal and demand that the manufacture redesign the product they already purchased!
That just blew my mind! Are you implying we bought this solely on cost? It was a factor yes but we don't deserve to have a stove sold to us that can kill our family! In all the research I did no where did it say; this can kill you because you are a cheap ass. Don't think I would have purchased it. I havnt used the ash pan. I just scoop them out. It just freaks me out a bit.
I'm implying that most people buy them based on cost. Same reason many good tools have been replaced by junk made overseas. Price is the decision maker over all factors for most. As for the rest, based on my understanding, if you use it as it was designed, it'll be fine. If you try to store ashes in the pan after clean out, you would be putting your family at risk (as you also would if you're not putting those ashes into a metal, sealed container prior to disposal).
I never said I knew everyone's situation. If a stove fits the budget, buy a stove. If a furnace fits, then buy a furnace. I've actively followed the threads for this furnace both on here and another notable heart site. Everyone kept trying to identify the price difference justification through pictures and brief inspection and decreed for the most part that this new furnace offering was the best choice based on price. What happens when people "assume"? You were right to some extent, with the new one the bell/whistle of letting ashes sit in the ash pan is a difference.

Any wood furnace/stove can kill you if you let CO occur while leaving the coals sit out. For anyone owning this furnace, use the plug for the combustion chamber and empty the ash pan after removing ashes from the firebox. It seems as simple as that. Instead people come on here to complain about how it should have been designed like a Caddy with regards to ash removal and demand that the manufacture redesign the product they already purchased!

I'm implying that most people buy them based on cost. Same reason many good tools have been replaced by junk made overseas. Price is the decision maker over all factors for most. As for the rest, based on my understanding, if you use it as it was designed, it'll be fine. If you try to store ashes in the pan after clean out, you would be putting your family at risk (as you also would if you're not putting those ashes into a metal, sealed container prior to disposal).

according to the fire marshal ash in the pan of a wood stove will not cause significant amounts of co and is safe to do. ash in a pan with forced combustion air is the problem and is a no no.

if a furnace fits? idk what your talking about there. a furnace did fit and was called for.

Using it as it was designed? did you even read the manual. IT was marketed as having an extra large ash pan so removal did not have to be after every cleaning. in fact states remove regularly.

I am not putting it in a metal sealed container? Guess your assumption is right. when i remove ash from the pan they go into a cylinder block lined ash pit inspected by the fire department.

Do you even own this furnace? If you dont know what your talking about just get off the site or at least this forum. You are corrupting people mind with garbage and wasting peoples time.

Guess freedom of speech applies to everyone. even a dumb A#S like you.
Instead people come on here to complain about how it should have been designed like a Caddy with regards to ash removal and demand that the manufacture redesign the product they already purchased!

I think people have every right to complain, if when a product is used as it is designed and marketed to be used, it can kill you.