put 06268 for your zip, put pat's power equipment for your dealer.Yeah I got that far..says the 193 is unavailable
That $329 is for something else
put 06268 for your zip, put pat's power equipment for your dealer.Yeah I got that far..says the 193 is unavailable
That $329 is for something else
That's not my zipput 06268 for your zip, put pat's power equipment for your dealer.
No matter. I'd buy it in Ohio & have it tweaked then sent over. For some reason the prices(even w/o Brad's discount) in Ohio are cheaper then here.I meant to provide a means to verify that I did not price something other than what this thread is about. It might be $10 different for you when it shows up.
For starters, this one is a strato. Other than that, I don't know.
He probably associates the outboard clutch with saws that oil at idle. Is there any inboard clutch top handle in the tree sort of saw?The PILTZTard says that all outboard clutch saws are completely useless on his Ebay threads.
ALL outboard clutch saws should be considered obsolete antiques, don't make me say it twice.
Is there any inboard clutch top handle in the tree sort of saw?
I got my 193T last year when i went to order a 192..i havent been happy with it..do i need to cut off the carb limiters to do the muffler mod? My saw bogs and runs like chit..just like in your first video
He probably associates the outboard clutch with saws that oil at idle.
Is there any inboard clutch top handle in the tree sort of saw?
Im a bit confused as to which part to cut off..is it justvthe black plastic that surrounds the screw? I hve never beed to mess with my 362 as its done everything i needed nd then some but this 193 is just an all round turd..unless it will get better witg time but i havr at least 10 tanks of gas threw it now