I loosely remember that, but can't recall who it was. There have been so many crook builders on AS that it's hard to keep track.Must mot be him. There was a guy that burned a bunch of guys, someone tracked him down and retrieved a bunch of saws.
I loosely remember that, but can't recall who it was. There have been so many crook builders on AS that it's hard to keep track.Must mot be him. There was a guy that burned a bunch of guys, someone tracked him down and retrieved a bunch of saws.
JMS, I think.I loosely remember that, but can't recall who it was. There have been so many crook builders on AS that it's hard to keep track.
It was way before that.JMS, I think.
Must mot be him. There was a guy that burned a bunch of guys, someone tracked him down and retrieved a bunch of saws.
I remember now. Dennis Greffard.. Marky Mark threatened to have the Hells Angel's collect! Those where the days.Must mot be him. There was a guy that burned a bunch of guys, someone tracked him down and retrieved a bunch of saws.
Buckin got a free saw (288) from Matt to test, Matt said it would take his 394’s lunch money. Billy’s 394 was there when he had his accident and it’s sentimental to him and it didn’t go down well. Buckins saw outcut the one Matt sent to him. I think it was an honest and fair comparison and buckin was gracious and appreciative of the gift and just because you get something free doesn’t mean you can’t be honest.what claims? genuinely curious. sent a free saw for "evaluation"..i dont get yours or the senders reasoning.
There's a lot of downside to social media obviouslyMy son has a TikTok channel with about 220,000 followers with spill over to YouTube... and a girl who clearly has a massive crush on him started a related TikTok fan channel. He's been recognized "on the street" and had some corporate sponsors approach him... He was at a tipping point where he either had to go full time into doing the TikTok/Pod Cast/YouTube thing or have a normal life... like a job with benefits and time to renovate his house. He choose the latter as being more important.
A retired school teacher from Lake Tahoe, who I met on my bicycle tour last summer, had students pulling in serious money. One girl was approached by a company about using one of her videos to advertise cosmetics. She had no idea what to "charge" so told them $1,000 as it sounded like a big number to her. Well... they agreed. What she didn't understand was they were going to pay her $1,000 every time the ad ran! She thought it was $1,000 period. She was making a ton of money as the ad was run repeatedly! It was also very distracting.... Other of her students were making a lot of money too. Long term is the question... skipping out on their education may cost them in myriad ways in the future when their influence no longer matters...
For sure there are people who don't understand boundaries. While on my bicycle trip last summer I met up with and chatted with a guy for a couple hours who has a YouTube channel with 130K+ subscribers and several big corporate sponsors. I stumbled on to his channel like 6-7 years ago and stopped in occasionally. Then there was a significant change in his business that I thought was interesting so I started watching more often. I knew ahead of time I was going to be in his area and reached out to him with an intriguing e-mail that his social media monitor felt should be passed along... We met on neutral ground. We had a very interesting conversation where we shared things that neither would want the general public to know about. It would, however, be safe to say he's had people show up at his house at all hours of the day and night, trespass on his business property, try to steal his equipment, try to steal his money, and other egregious behaviors. He's got security cameras on everything and is hyper vigilant. Despite all that he met with me.There's a lot of downside to social media obviously
Year's ago I caught a cotontop3?
I think is his name a video of his on YouTube
Where he was talking about a guy a fan of his that kept repeating that he wanted to come to his house and meet him and his family
It was enough to creep even him out.
But If they want to be YouTube or whatever famous that's the risk they take.
Another one was I read that a tuber lil red heidi hood had a guy she'd never try to break into her apartment and was arrested.
Dennis is who I was referring to in my post #19. I did not want to call him out by name because there was a top notch builder that was active on the site around the same time and still might be. Since they share the same first name I did not want folks confusing them. One is top notch, the other is a scrounge.I remember now. Dennis Greffard.. Marky Mark threatened to have the Hells Angel's collect! Those where the days.
Here it is.Friends I wonder what oil ratio IH recommends friends.
Gotta be super careful about that. Would not want to tarnish the rep of a good man.Someone brought it up Ed. I'm not shy to call out scammers, too many were kept around and burned guys, much like this IH fellow.![]()
Buckin got a free saw (288) from Matt to test, Matt said it would take his 394’s lunch money. Billy’s 394 was there when he had his accident and it’s sentimental to him and it didn’t go down well. Buckins saw outcut the one Matt sent to him. I think it was an honest and fair comparison and buckin was gracious and appreciative of the gift and just because you get something free doesn’t mean you can’t be honest.
I think Matt although very generous, missed the mark. Buckin doesn’t like high tops and he took the “lunch money” comment to heart.
A combination of miscommunication and some old beef between certain builders meant that it was not an ideal thing to do.
Edit: video for you
I dont take BBR seriously I see him for what he is is an entertainer nothing more nothing less. Most of his techniques are not to be taken seriously and or dont work. If you want to watch an hour of goofing off to be entertained for your time hes your man. Those people that give him money or send him items have Daddy issues and have very low self esteem. I feel sorry for them. They should have saved their money and got something they can use for their family instead of giving it to a con man.Yep, video views, superchats, and thanks. BBR cleans up pretty good during live streams with the superchats.
I dont take BBR seriously I see him for what he is is an entertainer nothing more nothing less. Most of his techniques are not to be taken seriously and or dont work. If you want to watch an hour of goofing off to be entertained for your time hes your man. Those people that give him money or send him items have Daddy issues and have very low self esteem. I feel sorry for them. They should have saved their money and got something they can use for their family instead of giving it to a con man.
I watched him when he first started out and he was nothing like this. Videos that were real and helped people out then as he gained popularity it became about the almighty buck and the superchats and the persona and all the other influencers that hes attached to. I'll give it that there is some good info buried in there but it's about 2 minutes of useful material to 60 minutes of garbage.I would say his filing videos are helpful and definitely set you on the right track to learn more. He's not bad at dropping trees. Certainly can't follow him to a tee there's some bad habits but once again a good start to learn more. Gotta be hungry for your own knowledge same as anything.
As for giving him money yeah wtfabsolute muppets
He's hard to stomach at times.
The family values and be a man and look after your people is certainly a good thing to influence people with but it is pretty cheese ball at times
His axe hanging videos are good too if ya skip through the bollix.
I watched him when he first started out and he was nothing like this. Videos that were real and helped people out then as he gained popularity it became about the almighty buck and the superchats and the persona and all the other influencers that hes attached to. I'll give it that there is some good info buried in there but it's about 2 minutes of useful material to 60 minutes of garbage.
Show proof IH screwed you, and not your SO CALLED FRIENDS, there is a lot of bill s…t here with NO DOCUMENTATION, SHOW PROOF Then the authorities will take over.Someone brought it up Ed. I'm not shy to call out scammers, too many were kept around and burned guys, much like this IH fellow.![]()