Do you really want to have 3 wheelers again? Are lawn darts something you'd like at the picnic with people wandering around? Guns? The gun laws are pretty open south of the border. Explain yours...
Everyone should have the choice to be stupid or not be stupid. Three-wheelers should be legal. If you're stupid enough to ride one go ahead. By the way, I have, and I was almost killed in a 3-wheeler accident when I was 8-years old. It's called personal responsibility. It is NOT the govt's job to protect us from our own stupidity. It is our own job to do that.
Lawn darts are like anything else dangerous and fun. It is up to parents to make sure kids don't do stupid things. If you take the lawn darts away, kids will go into the tool shed and play with dadd's axe. Kids will be kids, parents must be parents, individuals must be responsible. If you injure someone, you're responsible for it.
Guns? I have four, and it isn't enough. I still need a handgun, a good long-range rifle, and an assault rifle. I have to protect myself, because the govt sure won't and can't. Only you can protect yourself and your dependents.
If you want to get rid of everything dangerous, then there can not be any more forks, knives, razor blades, baseball bats, cars, belts, ropes, batteries, alcohol, motorcycles, scissors, or cans of soup. In fact, let's just make a govt regulation that says all people must have their hands amputated so they can't punch each other.
It all comes down to this. Things are not bad. People can be bad. If you are a good person, you must take the responsibility on yourself to protect yourself , your dependents, and your property, and to keep yourself, your property, and your dependents from harming others.
Whoever agrees whole-heartedly, not wishy-washy, give a hearty "Amen."