Is this 026 worth it?

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John in MA

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 15, 2001
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All right, my $75 026 just arrived. Not exactly in great shape like the seller said. It's heavily used, the ignition coil's gone (as in missing), compression is bad and the piston's scored on the exhaust side, and it's missing little parts like screws and AV mounts.

So, is it worth buying the replacement parts, even used ones where I can use them? I'm thinking about sending the thing back for a refund, but I'd like to know first.

Thanks :(
I probably wouldnt mess with fixing it, keep it for parts, but probably not worth fixing.
Scored on the exhaust usually means something like an air leak that made it run lean...
I'd like to, but I don't have an 026 or know anyone that uses one. Also, $75 isn't exactly pocket change for me.
I recently put a new piston in my 026. That was scored on the exhaust side too. Its made a huge difference, although it wouldnt have been worth it if the cyliner had been worn as well.
Ya gotta watch those E-Bay sales

I've heard of small engine mechanics pulling junk saws out of the garbage pile and selling them on E-Bay. A lot of times they get $75-$100 for something out of the trash!

Without a second saw to scavenge parts from, sounds like you bought an expensive garbage can decoration. Heck, just a sprocket, bar and chain can set you back $80. For what you would put in it, you could get a new saw. :(
Even if ya spent the money to build it up, you would have a used, waiting for next system to go bad saw with diffrent wear throughout at an almost new price!

And ummmmmmmmm ohhhhhhhhh
uhhhhh u stihl wouldn't have a bunch of power (arghhh, arghhhhh!)

Thanks guys. I usually have good luck on eBay, sometimes with the saws being much better than described. It would have been worth it if this fellow's description was accurate, but it sure wasn't. No push to fix this one 'cause I already have a mint 032.

It actually came with a good 20" .325 bar and a dull as dirt chain that looks unsharpened. Right now I'm thinking about taking off the parts I can use and putting it back up, with an honest description this time.
Yeah, I know how you feel. I bought a $175, piece of trash and had to drive to Swampscott, MA to get it. I know, it sucks.
I'm sorry that it turned out to have internal damge, but exactly how could I have known? I said in that auction that I didn't have a boat, had never tested it, and had never opened it up. I described and took photos of all the damge I could see. You knew as much as I did after reading that. I also volunteered to give you half your money back if you kept the outboard, or a full refund if you wanted to drive it back. You never responded, so I dropped it.

This guy said the 026 looked great and had great compression. The thing looks like it went through a war and is completely loose.
if he really misrepresented the saw that badly. give his name and ebay address.
hope thats legal ,cause thats the way i handle people that cheat me. i dish it out as much as i can.even mentioned a clip joint in a talk at church one time.
aint nothin to bad for a man that takes my money . it dont come easy.. pretty much the same as a thief.imho
even gone an just took my money back before. common sense is necessary here,
cause u can get u self killed ,if hes scared enough,been there too. aint no goodthing to look dn the barrel of a shakin 38.i could fill the bullet in my back , all the way dn his driveway.learning experience ,i guess u could call it.
I have e-mailed quite a number of sellers to ask "how much compression, by a reliable guage?".

Only one person has actually responded, and I missed that saw to what I supposed was an automated sniper. Anymore, I decide how much I'll be willing to pay, bid that amount within the last few hrs, and wait for notification.

I bought a "new" lawnmower engine on e-bay two years ago, and while it does run, it was certainly not new. I asked the seller to refund or accept return, but recieved no response, either. Apparently the seller didn't really care to maintain his reputation, either, as she (he?) has dropped from the face of the earth.

I buy very little off ebay, but I still look a lot.
John, E-bay does have a Fraud Complaint service. I just went thru that and just within the last few days rec'd notification of reimbursement from E-bay. I bought a saw advertised "like new" that arrived doa. Filed that complaint form back in April and I'ts taken this long. If you think your 026 was falsely described, file a complaint. Lets get these SOB's off E-bay. The bastard I bought from screwed a bunch of folks. He's no longer a member of E-bay... at least not under that name. Good luck.
That guy never gave you your money back? Sounds like a real winner. If I don't hear back in a week or two, I'm going to eBay about this one.

Oh yeah, I found part of an old, old rental sticker on this thing. :rolleyes:
junk saw

I got a bad saw on ebay that the seller listed as in great condition. It was a husky 141 that had been run with a .325 chain and bar which ruined the sprocket, it had a chunk missing on the piston at the exhaust port, not to mention the little things like wrong oil cap,warped side cover and the guy actually shipped it with oil and gas in it. The guy refunded my money,but was mad cause I left negative feedback for his description of "great condition".
I recently bought an 024 off ebay, (wanted another one so bad)
let my wits get the best of me. WHAT A PILE!.
NO base gasket, just RTV, mismatched piston from who knows
what machine. Scored to beat hell. surprisingly the dang thing ran.
Stuck it in a six inch log, it died, tried it again, same thing.
The only saving grace was that the saw was complete.
I have it in pieces now, new carb kit and piston at the very least.
I'll probably have close to $300 bucks in it by the time its all said
and done. I know it sounds dumb, but if I send it back, someone
else will probably get hooked. Have too much stupid pride.
Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me.
You guys are making me nervous

Bouight an 028 two weeks ago. Still waiting for delivery. Emailed the guy twice for a tracking number with no reply. In his item description he said the saw runs "fantastic".
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I sold an 039 on ebay a few weeks ago. sold it in "as is condition" since I couldn't get it started. (Loaned it to a genetically altered in law who destroyed it) The walls were good piston was good. The buyer told me the pistion rings were siezed up. Put it up for $50 sold for $125. Anyway I think the term "as is" in a chainsaw quote to me means "something is wrong" So that is how I look at it. -----------------------------------------------------I bought some bar ends from a guy in March. First he said they were shipped. Then they said they forgot to ship them. Now they are saying it is in the mail. It has been 4 months!
Don't be nervous--most of my eBay deals have been fine. I also wouldn't be so afraid of "as-is". I got my Jonsereds 111S as-is because the pull cord was pulled all the way out. That's all that was wrong!

most ebayers are honest, I got a 028 and a 038 off ebay that were fine, just needed a little tlc. I would watch out for the pawn shops, you never know where these saws have been. It seems to me lately that items on ebay have been selling way higher than they should be for a short description and a photo. Beware of phrases like- probably just needs a tune up, or should be adjusted for your area.
That 026 sounds like it is not worth fixing. However, Dennis just applied TLC to a very scored Shindaiwa 488 piston, and lightly marked cylinder, and salvaged them!! I had bought the saw on ebay, advertised as low hours. I could tell that it was, but must have been run without mix or too lean or something. Anyhow, before Dennis surprised me and fixed em, i ordered parts for $210, and the seller reimbursed me $75. Now I can return the parts, which will cost close to $75 in shipping and restocking fees, plus the rings that Dennis put in, and labor.

Of course, he is also greffardizing the beaut, which will give me 8 modded saws...

..the saw junkie

Sorry Don, I failed to mention that all my other ebay
experiences have been great. 034 super and 365 special to
name a couple. I just bought another 034 super, best ????
saw that no one really wants.
I ignored some signs in my haste to buy the 024, and now I'm
paying for it. Neg feedback will be posted when the steam stops
coming out of my ears.
Live and learn, at least I'll end up with a pretty cool 024.

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