Is this a bad technique? Video

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At work I have to cut out leaner's all the time. Just not to that scale. It is a pretty dangerous thing to do and, yes I will admit. I have got myself a few times. Its just a risk that I'm willing to take. Over half of the guys I work with wont cut a leaner more than 6" at the butt. Or what was left of it. But someone's got to do it. My uncle who was a timber feller for 20 some odd years taught me. As well he taught me what not to do. He barber chaired himself. Lost over 35% use of his total body. In my opinion. I personally would not have cut that tree. Its way out of my abilities. Good video to study and learn from though.
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I like the high stumps. Reminds me of a guy I work with. Everything he cuts down. The stump is usually 2 to 3ft high.
I like the high stumps. Reminds me of a guy I work with. Everything he cuts down. The stump is usually 2 to 3ft high.

surprised no one complains if i did that out here in the east i would get yelled at, after not too many trees your leaving a whole log in the woods.....too much waste, and then the skidders have a beast of a time getting to the trees.
I fall #### like that, but its usually doug fir, and usualy the heart wood is sound so I use a slightly different technique.

Since the doug fir is usualy sound w/sound roots the leaner tree can swing on a root. Therefore I always try to face the leaner just slightly quatered away from the second tree. That way when they go its more predictable where it will land.

I can see where the RC wouldn't do that though, no sound heart, and it must be exciting as hell having those things blow up around you.

I've never cut any big redwood either, bet they act a lot like RC.

RPM, what helicopter co. do you use? One of my friends flew for Erikson.
"RPM, what helicopter co. do you use? One of my friends flew for Erikson."

Hey Bushler....we've been falling the block for the last couple of weeks and just started flying on Monday. Company is called East-West and their using a Bell 214B. This is interior wood - pretty good for around here - mostly cedar as thats where the money is right now. Block volume averaged around 600m3/ha - the skycrane would be a little overkill here. Looks like everything will go tree length to the landing except for some larger doug-fir.

Hope to have some pictures early next week.
All the weight was on the side of the direction it was suppose to fall in. The wide open back cut would be to be able to finish the cut because of a smaller bar?
The get ready to run technique lol

Check this one out lol anyone think it may be chain sharpening time!
I could have cut that twig down quicker with the 025

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:monkey: Does this guy even have a chain on that saw ?
Must been one of these new chains that THALL has discovered.*******.jpg
Risky, but what the hell are you gonna do if you really want it down? Cedars are known for rot so that was kinda close. I have regrettably done this on a number of occasions and it is never fun and always dangerous. I did that with comparable trees only they were "Dougs". It was on the rim of a valley and boy did they go when I cut em enough. I should go back and talk with the neighbor, he got some ok pics I imagine as he had a big zoom lens. Everyone promises that they will send you pictures but rarely do they come through even if you offer to pay em for it.