I smoke pot and drink, after work and after any calls are returned etc...
I'm not proud of it….
I almost choked on my doober....
I still do the same thing at night now as I did when I was younger….
Pot is pot, its not bad….
Alot of really friggin good tree guys that smoke pot…..
Are you saying you dissagree with an employee smoking a doober after work….
I'm really not that big of a pothead, I just smoke about a half doob at night when all is done, thats all. Its a good thing too or else I would have to deal with you and kiss a$$ reach chasing me around with yer friggin pee cup…..
Remember, we're not talking about climbing stoned, I would'nt do that these days- a few times in my younger days…..
Thanks for stopping by.
Next time, be sure to tell us some of your stories of how it was , back in your younger old school days.