Is tree work fun?

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ArboristSite Operative
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
adirondacks, NY
Just wondering if most people are having fun while working, or you just paying bills doing something you're good at.

I sure have fun. Working with good strong saws, being outside in new and cool locations, impressing new customers and being praised for great jobs. Besides the obvious cash.

While I've been around saws for years. I traded rock climbing for trees a few years ago. I have to say I have more fun in the trees, as much if not more excitement (adrenaline) and of course it pays. As big as the egos are in both, I have to say the tree folks are more down to earth.

I get to the point sometimes on jobs where I realize I'm smiling and I feel good. Makes me smile even harder when I remember what I'm getting paid. Bumped into a customer in a bar one night and he was telling me, how he told everyone he could about what a great job we did and mainly how much we enjoyed our work.
I don't climb as much as I used to. Since I'm the owner, I make more money if I'm out of the trees and running the business. I did, however, climb the other day to test out a new saddle. It was fun and was good exercise. When I was climbing every day, it was more of a task. The fun part was in doing technical moves that required great skill and confidence. The appreciation from customers of a job well done is another bonus.
FUN, tree work is a whole lot of fun. Nothing else that I would rather be doing. The problem solving aspect of it is very enjoyable as well. Every tree is difference and you need to find out the fastest, most efficient and safest way to do it.
Heck just today I was taking down these 2 white pines about 15'-20' apart. I kept swing back and forth between them to limb them both up at the same time. My ground guy goes to the crew leader "What the hell is he doing?" Crew leader goes "Having fun." I haven't worked a day in 2 years. Trees are my jungle gym, just don't fall off the monkey bars because it is a long way down.
Climb020 said:
FUN, tree work is a whole lot of fun. Nothing else that I would rather be doing. The problem solving aspect of it is very enjoyable as well. Every tree is difference and you need to find out the fastest, most efficient and safest way to do it.
Heck just today I was taking down these 2 white pines about 15'-20' apart. I kept swing back and forth between them to limb them both up at the same time. My ground guy goes to the crew leader "What the hell is he doing?" Crew leader goes "Having fun." I haven't worked a day in 2 years. Trees are my jungle gym, just don't fall off the monkey bars because it is a long way down.

thats an awesome answer

my old foreman down south used to say
in that accent
Buddy, treez git in yer blood!"
he was totally right

if someone isnt havin fun doing trees then the have to stop like immediatly
sometims I get really angrty though
stuck throwballs
crappy trees that are all over the frackin yard
hittin a piece of concrete with the jsut sharpened 372
The most fun is seeing a tree that you worked on years later, growing great.:clap:
Lots of fun & good honest work! All the work I did over the last 3 years is word of mouth only! Sure its an ego boost but with it comes responsibility to keep on doing the best work possable to maintain the reputation. I've also been subbing out all the stumping & ground work so all I do now is climb & light rig. The guys I sub work out to also find me more work so everyone is happy. Fun Fun Fun!!! Just wish I were 20 years younger! HC
I second everything that everyone has said so far.

I'll triple-second climb020,
The problem solving aspect of it is very enjoyable as well.
I love this more than anything. Certain crux decisions can save you or cost you hours. Precision cuts that can drop a limb flat, right where you want it and the whole aerial rigging thang..... even when it's hot and miserable or freezin cold, just no place I'd rather be than caring for a tree.

Fun.....? A lot of clients will remark that way and a typical response might be, "A little, but I'm up here risking my life for you, Ma'am." :)
treeseer said:
The most fun is seeing a tree that you worked on years later, growing great.:clap:

i admire your passion guy, but to me that would come under satisfying, not fun.
climbing is fun after a few years when it becomes easy....its fun before also but sometimes you're just too knackered from over exerting to appreciate how much fun you're having!
Fun all the way. 23 years in the game now and I still love it. I still love being hands on, and would never purely take a back seat. It's fun in the sun in the fresh air, playing with toys, swinging about and getting paid for it! All washed down with a few cold ones later on! My job rocks!
climbing is a real adrenaline rush for meand possibly the most healthy drug you can do.

its very rewarding, yes its hard and trying at times.... but what can beat the views we get, the out doors and the great people we meet!!!!

climbing isnt just a job buts its a passion that is heart felt trew out the whole arborist community and only a fellow climber can appreciate the work that we do.

The most fun is years later seeing a tree that you worked on, growing great! :clap:
stephenbullman said:
i admire your passion guy, but to me that would come under satisfying, not fun.
Steven you're right. Seeing well-tended trees grow is not just fun, but it's way beyond satisfying, it's ecstatic! :biggrinbounce2:

When you are one with the tree, it's not work, it's play.
Fun???? Shoot yeah it's fun! i've only been in the trees for about 8 months now, but i love it! Yeah, i still get a little funny feelin' in my stomach when i top a tree at 80 ft on a windy day (i know that's child's play for some of you), but once my knees quit wigglin' i just smile and say, "Thank you, Jesus!" :bowdown:
NOthin quite like it!!
Great responses.

How many people can say stuff like this about thier jobs, be it full or part time? I almost consider it a hobby or passion, but the money makes it a job, I guess.

The most fun is seeing a tree that you worked on years later, growing great.
a big oh yea.

you like the praise from the homeowner?
any good stories?
too many, it kinda goes the same way though. They exclaim what a wonderful job was done, how skilled we were, how they would love to be a reference if we needed any. Lots of smiles and happy customers.

I love my job,being a climber is fun, but being a ground sucks not fun at all, iam glad iam not on the ground.
I hear ya. I take my time and relish the climbing, gotta pay attention and be careful. I rage through the cleanup.
Fun is what its all about

I climed rocks for years and my folks where tree climbers, and i learned so much from them. getting to go to different places every day and doing something different, yeah its all tree work but today may be a prune job, tommarow is a great big kill. things change day to day, and thats what attracts me to this industry. power to the tree climbers!!!:bowdown: :bowdown:

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