For me, it is a combination of things, that form a "Perfect Storm" to conspire against me. I am a truck driver, not long haul, but often away from home for a week or more, helping other accounts. I just got home yesterday, from Medford, went down there on the 2nd, I was away from home for about 2 1/2 weeks, just not able to get out cutting or splitting during that time.
The 2018/19 winter was really rough on the trees south of Cottage Grove, Logs Stacked along the I-5 shoulder, I was driving through there quite a bit after that, drove me NUTS seeing all that wood right on the shoulders of the highway, many places with excellent pull outs. In June of 2019, I was sent to Medford to help out there, it is one of my Common to Help accounts, I was scheduled for at least 2 weeks, so I took the trailer, and a couple saws, and got a bit over 2 cords, during the weekend in the middle of my time down there, but that was a LOT more mileage than I would normally even think about for firewood. Where we stay in Ashland is about 325 miles each way from home, and where we were cutting wood was about 150 miles from where we were staying, so all told, that trailer ran about 950 miles for that 2 cords of wood, about 625 of it loaded, but I was paid my Travel Time and Mileage ( .58/mile) for my trip to and from Ashland, so only about 300 miles were on my dime and time. We hadn't gotten too much cutting in before that trip, and were getting a bit antsy about getting some wood cutting in.
Fortunately, the Forest Circus had opened up some log decks, from trees that were cut down making fire lines for the 2017 "Eagle Creek" Fire, and we got a lot of wood out of those, the upper layers, especially of the "Tops Deck" were well exposed to the sun and wind, and were in the 11-15% MC range, with some as low as 9% MC, that we were able to burn last winter. The MC went UP as we (and others

) worked down through the decks, the lower stuff was pretty wet, around 40% MC, but it all got cut, some split, and the MC readings are looking great for this winter, with Conifers, a full year plus, is usually plenty to get good MC Levels, so we have well seasoned wood for this winter.
We heat almost exclusively with wood, and August was the Only Month this year without at least a morning fire to take the chill out of the house, even in July, we were getting over night temps in the 40's and 50's. We burn an average of 10 cords a year, a bit more during colder winters, and we are on a .17 acre, not 17 acre neighborhood lot, so trying to get 3 or more years worth of wood stockpiled isn't practical. I have another Large Cedar to have removed from the backyard, then I should be able to build another woodshed, that should Hopefully get us a bit past 2 years worth of storage, so we can get a year ahead.
Where we live, covered storage is a MUST, we get enough Rain and Snow, that firewood would NEVER season to a Burnable level uncovered, simply not an option here.
There are plenty of other projects that get delayed, Time is an issue, Space is an Issue, Availability is an Issue, we are only allowed 6 cords from the National Forest, which is where we mostly cut, but we have to scrounge the rest, so getting that extra year ahead, is a real challenge, just on the supply issue. We do what we can, but for us a 3+ year supply isn't an option. Fortunately, the Forest Circus often falls Standing Dead, and opens that up to wood cutters (Usually After July 15th, in the LSR, Late Season Reserve) and that is usually in the 13-18% MC range, some times lower. We are NOT allowed to Fall in the Mt. Hood NF, other NF's, Falling and quotas vary by amount of wood available, and the anticipated number of wood cutters for the area. Some areas allow falling Standing Dead up to 24" DBH, and up to 12 cords per household, unfortunately, those are a bit too far to go for firewood. But if I do end up in Wenatchee WA, in a couple weeks for 2 weeks, I may take the trailer and saws, They allow Falling 20" standing dead, and the permits are $5/cord, with a $20 minimum purchase, so that would be worthwhile as the cutting areas should only be 30-45 minutes from the Hotel, and I will be getting paid Time and Mileage there and home again, as well.