ive been a member so long that

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I think that is true, and I think it's resulted in some folks being bored and pretty much becoming trolls. I'm not saying that to be rude and I'm not pointing any fingers, just a broad statement.

It's quite unfortunate. I know I've posted real life occurrences that have happened, either to share a story or to help prove a theory or opinion and have been called a liar, thief, full of crap, etc. Have to wonder if that is what a celebrity feels like... everything and anything they do ends up being doubted and criticized by the public.

Sorry but what I post is the truth to the best of my knowledge. I have a hard enough time with my memory (part of the reason I'm a disabled vet) that there is no way I could remember lies! Not to mention as a business owner, whether I am in the capacity of "owner" or just "normal guy" it still reflects on my business.

There isn't anything wrong with disagreeing with a post, but there are ways to go about that aren't a complete slap in the face.
I certainly hope I haven't done that, if so it was not intended! Between some medical problems, stress of running the business, etc I'm sure I'm not always in the best mood, but I do my hardest not to let that transfer to my friends, employees, customers, family, etc.
That story of you stealing a saw was a great thread. Why did you delete it?

Here's a screen shot of his story
white spider you will always be a moron.

The word "moron" was first coined in 1910 by the psychologist Henry H. Goddard... derived from the Greek "moros".

If'n ya're gonna' call someone a moron ya' really should write their name properly so ya' don't look like one... it's Whitespider.
Well... seriously... not tryin' to be a smart-azz...
It ain't our fault the politicians, regulatory agencies, and their financial friends (the tree-huggers) have made the whole thing into a joke.
Heating with wood was an individual, off-the-grid, non-conforming sort'a activity... now, even the members here on this board expect you to "conform" to the "rules" (written, implied, or whatever). If ya' don't do it "their way", you're some sort of low-life destroying the planet. That's what happens when government sticks it's nose into anything... it becomes a huge joke.

Stop expectin' me to do it "your way" (not necessarily meanin' "you"), and I'll stop laughin' at ya' (not necessarily meanin' "you").
Stop slamming me as a "planet polluting hater" b'cause I ain't gonna' use one of those new-fangled elitist stoves, and I'll stop laughin' at ya'.
Stop tellin' me what my responsibilities are (as a wood burner), and I'll stop luaghin' at ya'.
Grow the frig'-up already, and I'll stop laughin' at ya.
Again... not necessarily meanin' "you".

Sorry... but... it-is-what-it-is... the whole thing (well, nearly the whole thing) is now an agenda driven joke.
It ain't about bein' an individual anymore... it about the "save-the-whales" agenda... follow the rules or you're a slob.
another spot on,,dead serious post..and the conformist ding dongs of this forum will be along directly............................they don't realize, spidey, their thoughts have been bought and paid for........by the lying filth of america.........
This guy has 6 posts in 6 years but is calling out WS? Lurker is right!
Likely he sees himself personally responsible for the salvation of a whale, a baby seal or two, and a dozen or so Spotted Owls.
Did you know that Spotted Owl squat is the sourest of sour owl squat??
Yep, I'm all about a lil goofin around while discussing a valid topic, but we've made a HARD left turn here lately!
Yeah things are getting a bit crazy lately.
Seems like folks are suffering some serious cabin fever lately. I'm guessing it will calm down when folks are able to get outside and blow off some steam and run some saws again.
:laughing: OMG‼ This is too damn funny... ya' just can't make this stuff up.

Post #1-of-6... November 21, 2009
you are a moron .let's leave it at that.

Post #3-of-6... February 17, 2012
you moron's ragging on state workers are just jealous . I'm sure everyone of you jerks will refuse your pension.

And of course, there's yesterday's 2015 [U][COLOR=#4d4dff][I][B]moron[/B][/I][/COLOR][/U] post... I'm seriously thinkin' the guy is extremely limited in the vocabulary department.
I think that is true, and I think it's resulted in some folks being bored and pretty much becoming trolls. I'm not saying that to be rude and I'm not pointing any fingers, just a broad statement.

It's quite unfortunate. I know I've posted real life occurrences that have happened, either to share a story or to help prove a theory or opinion and have been called a liar, thief, full of crap, etc. Have to wonder if that is what a celebrity feels like... everything and anything they do ends up being doubted and criticized by the public.

Sorry but what I post is the truth to the best of my knowledge. I have a hard enough time with my memory (part of the reason I'm a disabled vet) that there is no way I could remember lies! Not to mention as a business owner, whether I am in the capacity of "owner" or just "normal guy" it still reflects on my business.

There isn't anything wrong with disagreeing with a post, but there are ways to go about that aren't a complete slap in the face.
I certainly hope I haven't done that, if so it was not intended! Between some medical problems, stress of running the business, etc I'm sure I'm not always in the best mood, but I do my hardest not to let that transfer to my friends, employees, customers, family, etc.
Now I don't know If other stuff you posted was true or not and really don't care, But on two different occasions on two different saws, you said they were run on straight gas for extended periods of time. One was for two years. the other I can't remember. you said no ill effects occurred because of it. Now that's a bunch of BS. You can't expect people to believe you with post like that. Now maybe the gas had mix in it you didn't know nothing about, But you're supposed to be the saw expert and surely you can't believe a saw will run on straight gas for two years and not lock up. maybe he set it on the shelf for two years after putting gas in it and never used it.
I'm all about a lil goofin around while discussing a valid topic
Ashley tits or GTFO
Sorry but what I post is the truth to the best of my knowledge. I have a hard enough time with my memory (part of the reason I'm a disabled vet) that there is no way I could remember lies!

Disabled vet? Disabled vet with memory problems? Did you get out on a medical discharge?
Are your memory problems from wound trauma or are they psychological in origin?

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