I've Been Screwed!!!

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The scammers have a very simple way of getting your paypal information. They send you a very good looking email asking for and account update. This email links you to an update site that looks to be paypal, looks very genuine. But its where they get your information from. I have had three of these, one way to see if its bogus is to put in a phoney email address and password if that gets you in further you know you have been had. Pay pal does not send out info requests, you just get caught up in the scam, easy to do. So be leary of any account update mail from paypal as it's more than likly a scam.
I've listed the 440 on eBay. I'm not sure what it's worth, but it should be somewhere between my reserve and my BIN. I didn't want to sell myself short with too low of a BIN. I didn't go into the origin of all the parts since that's irrevelant to the condition of the saw. Tradin Post
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Am I the only one

blsnelling said:
I've listed the 440 on eBay. I'm not sure what it's worth, but it should be somewhere between my reserve and my BIN. I didn't want to sell myself short with too low of a BIN. I didn't go into the origin of all the parts since that's irrevelant to the condition of the saw. Tradin Post

Am I the only one who just thinks that this whole thing is in bad taste.

Guy buys a saw and complains that the saw is misrepresented....

Gets helped out tremendously by members here.

Turns around and try to sell the saw and in my mind


FROM EBAY ADD: The crank, bearings, cylinder, and piston were all inspected and found to be in excellent condition. New piston rings were installed.

That is not at all true. The Cylinder and piston were crap, a complaint was filed, and used parts were put in, who knows how good the bearings an crank really are. The ad makes is sound like it just need rings.

If I was buying this saw this and then read this thread, I personally would feel that this saw is misrepresented.

Now maybe that is just me an you guys all feel differently but that is my opinion.
Ah, but the piston and rings that were crap are no longer on the saw. It HAS been totally rebuilt with good parts. What was, is no longer. I don't see a misrepresentation.

I do think it's a little rude to try to make money off of Ekka's generosity, but it's his saw and he can do what he wants with it. I'd feel a little slighted were I Ekka.

+2, the bad taste is clearly there.....

This really has an ending that sucks!!!!
I was under the impression that he was a guy scraping his penny's to get a good saw.
Not someone doing it for a business.
Poor business decisions shouldn't even qualify for this caliber of help.
Again this ending sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+3, the bad taste is clearly there.....

This really has an ending that sucks!!!!
I was under the impression that he was a guy scraping his penny's to get a good saw.
Not someone doing it for a business.
Poor business decisions shouldn't even qualify for this caliber of help.
Again this ending sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blsnelling said:
I've listed the 440 on eBay. I'm not sure what it's worth, but it should be somewhere between my reserve and my BIN. I didn't want to sell myself short with too low of a BIN. I didn't go into the origin of all the parts since that's irrevelant to the condition of the saw. Tradin Post

+4 I can't believe what I just read!

I guess we can't always have a happy ending! I hope that this does not sour the generosity of our members.
Was it not discussed sometime back about posting a link to a ebay auction and selling it at the same time on here. I think it went something like post it here wait a week or so no bites then a ebay link could be posted when you list it there. I just wonder what is going to happen when the original seller sees the list on ebay and then sends a link to paypal and demands his saw back. Thats going to bite some major backside.
My 2 cents
Possible solution. Pull the saw off ebay. List it here for a couple of weeks at the exact asking price, then, ebay. I'm pretty sure all parties involved knew this was a project to resell saw. Sure was a lot of generosity involved though.
Bad Idea

+6 Also, how long are the mis-matched case halves going to maintain the seal? Stihl says you have to replace both sides as a pair. Lake even told the seller about it on this thread. I thought it was OK to try cobbling it together for your own saw. I don't think it's OK if your then going to re-sell it with the description, as written. The buyer will expect to get a good saw, not a cobbled together parts saw that looks great.....

5555555 said:
+6 Also, how long are the mis-matched case halves going to maintain the seal? Stihl says you have to replace both sides as a pair. Lake even told the seller about it on this thread. I thought it was OK to try cobbling it together for your own saw. I don't think it's OK if your then going to re-sell it with the description, as written. The buyer will expect to get a good saw, not a cobbled together parts saw that looks great.....


This entire thread has been about the lack of integrity and ethics on ebay. Here is irony for you. The thread titled "I've Been Screwed!!!" ends up with the buyer misrepresenting the same item. Members here felt sympathy and compassion for someone who was thought to have received a raw deal. I am saddened by the thought that he would even consider selling the saw. But...everyone has the right to do what they please with their belongings.
Just my 2 cents!
Hard Knocks said:
This entire thread has been about the lack of integrity and ethics on ebay. Here is irony for you. The thread titled "I've Been Screwed!!!" ends up with the buyer misrepresenting the same item. Members here felt sympathy and compassion for someone who was thought to have received a raw deal. I am saddened by the thought that he would even consider selling the saw. But...everyone has the right to do what they please with their belongings.
Just my 2 cents!
belgian said:
Sorry bsnelling, but this is simply "not done". Really sad.
Do you really want to be seen as a profiteer of Ekka's generosity?
It's your saw, but if you sell it, I hope Ekka is going to see a nice percentage of it.

Well said!
What a sad turn of events. And just when it looked like this debacle was going to have a positive outcome.

Profiteering from the sympathy/generosity of others is in very poor taste.

DITTO This really Sucks B Snelling I Really hate to say it this is a pretty freakin Cheesy RAT,,, manuver, another modern day Ebay Carpet Bagger so much for Ekka's Good will huH??? Sorry for the choke slam Ekka,,,,
I would have figured that saw had some sort of sentimental value :censored:

Oh Yeah,,, Did you mention to the bidders that you used mismatched case's That's not right,

This really sucks If You have a set of Burlys which i doubt,,, you need to fix your description @ the auction and split the Profit with Ekka

Just my .02
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Guess I am getting used to it, the only thing that really bothered me was the mismatched case halves! But the more I think about it, yeah, that was a pretty crappy way to do Ekka!!! :angry2:
I'm am not here to take advantage of any one. I clearly stated in the beginning of this thread that my intention was to fix this saw up and sell it. Check out post #13, as well as #12. That was before Ekka ever got involved. I even discussed the selling of the extra parts from Ekka with Ekka himself. He had no porblem with it. It did cost me $88 just to ship the parts here. It's my intent to send Ekka something to express my thanks if I make anything from the saw. The truth is that I currently have about $500 in this saw, not counting my many hours of labor. If PayPal does what's right, it'll certainly be much less than that. If you assumed I was pinching pennies, you missed the point. I was wronged and you guys rallied to help make that wrong right. I said nothing to mislead you. I value the help and advise from this forum too much for what I'm getting labeled with here.

How do you figure this saw has been misrepresented? These are not mixed case halves. Both cases from Ekka were thrown in the trash. I'm using the original cases. The crank, bearings, cylinder, and piston were from Ekka's saw. They are simply good used parts. How is that a misrepresentation? The original bad parts are gone. Why does that need mentioned in the description. The only thing really left is the case.

Seriously, what have I done wrong, and what would I have to do to make it right in your eyes? I have several saws right now that I want to sell. I intend to buy more and continue selling them. Might that not be a contribution to those on the forum here that don't have the tools or ability. I enjoy working on them and thought I had a good reputation going her. I'm truely sorry that I've offended anyone.
Hard Knocks said:
+4 I can't believe what I just read!

I guess we can't always have a happy ending! I hope that this does not sour the generosity of our members.

I guess that is what gets to me the worst, This place is like a family,,,, Ekka Reached out and that really impressed me,,, We have a personal atmosphere here that is a cut above EBay IMHO, Maybe He just didn't know better and I hope that is the case, but somebody here should have a shot @ it with a fair asking price and I woud think,,,,, There I go again,,, That Ekka should have first shot,,,,and if he gave him first shot then I will be the first to apologize for my MAD on!!!!! IVe already pulled ranking from this thread and I wonder if Ekka is even aware maybe he is away on Christmas Holiday,,, Merry Christmas Ekka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!