I've Been Screwed!!!

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No, no, no. The saw was a MS 440 with the tooless caps to begin with. What your thinking of is the thread where I was trying to figure out what to do with the good case halves from Ekka's saws. I was informed that the halves are machined together, so I played around burning one a little:hmm3grin2orange: , and then threw them away. I'm not sorry for ending the eBay auction. I believe it was the right thing to do, even if no one here ends up buying the saw. It should have been posted here first. I was just trying to be too "efficient" and got the cart ahead of the horse. Lesson learned. Like I've mentioned several times, I enjoy working on these saws. I'd like to build a reuptation here that if you want a used saw that's built right and not thrown together, that I can provide that for you!
Hard Knocks said:
Not trying to preach...But, You could have indicated that the saw was reassembled with good used parts. This would have given full disclosure. I personally don't mind buying a piece of equipment with original matching parts in good shape that have worn normally with their counterparts. I personally would be less inclined to pay the same money for something that has been pieced together even if the equipment works as good as new. I would certainly feel like " I have been screwed" if I found out after the fact that this was the case. I am not saying that it is wrong to assemble a saw from various good used parts, we all have done it. As I posted before you did a very nice job with that saw and should be very proud of that.

The crank and bearings were pulled as a set from one of Ekka's saws. I'm not sure if the piston and cylinder came from the one I got the crank from or not, but they were a matching set pulled from one of the two saws as well.

I just caught up with the last few pages, thanks for the PM blsnelling.

I suppose I find it rather comforting that there's so many guys on this board with great ethics and a caring attitude. Even any negative posts have been born out of the right feelings. :cheers:

At no point did blsnelling deceive me or otherwise, he was very straight forward and accurate and if I could have young folks with his skills and passion for mechanical work I'd hire them.

From my perspective those saw parts are useless to me. To try to sell them here would be a joke but to frieght them to the USA does cost considerable money and there's still a big IF they're any good or can be on sold. I still have an Echo 350T sitting there that's gonna be $50 to freight to the USA and no takers yet ... but if one of you did take it and made money out of it ... good on you.... then again if it turned out a lemon and you done ya $50 bad luck! Well, he took that risk and it paid off.

blsnelling put a lot of work into the saw, cleaning, painting and building. I dont think in the grand scheme of things he's making money but he is satisfying himself and proving his worth at building saws.

To some of you who have followed the story you feel perhaps let down that this saw is going to be sold. He did say he will sell it early on. However that doesn't change the fact that he was ripped off and we helped out.

I still think it's a great thread and perhaps if anything what you as individuals have to decide prior to donating your services (posts, pics, vids, parts etc) is what they'll be used for ... and if you dont want to help some-one who is building for resale then dont contribute ... but many saw builders like blsnelling, klicky, NWCS do return the favour too .... what comes around goes around.

I hope this helps out, blsnelling's OK, and I really hope we all get along, heck it's 2007 soon and we are all getting older so why not wiser? :)
Quite the reading - end to end...

I don't believe any wrong was done... and it will be a damn nice saw for someone to get.
Bad Karma.......

Brad, I'd have to agree that listing the saw on eBay was in poor taste. It's your saw, and you can certainly do as you please with it, but I feel it would have just been the "right" thing to do to offer it to the folks on this forum first. I really don't think there would have been near the fuss if you had done it that way. Not to mention that by listing the saw on eBay, you may have just shot yourself in the foot as far as getting your money back from Paypal. For your sake I hope not, but it might be just the ammunition the seller needs to get the refund denied.
blsnelling said:
No. I value you guys on the forum here more than that. I believe the only thing wrong I did here was to not list it here only for a while. Consider it done. The eBay auction has been ended. I was just trying to be efficient. Sorry, really.

All in all, I guess you are right.;)
WOW is right! To come back to this thread and see all that has gone on was a jaw dropping moment. Looks like things are getting back on track...Good to see. As a "newbie" to this site and to the saw building world I probably don't have much room to throw my .02 around but I can see the best of both points.

Brad as I've said you have done a nice job and I will probably be looking to you (and the rest of you :biggrinbounce2: ) for advice, help etc.

Ekka - Your post was surely the calming of the storm ;)

An early Happy New Year to you all :cheers:
Great roller coaster of a thread. Quality job on the saw, and Ekka is simply a first rate guy.

A couple of thoughts I had through the thread,

There is a way to leave negative feedback for a ripoff seller, without getting negged in retaliation. Its all about the timing. Not sure, but I think ebay will allow 60 days (check ebay for accurate info) for feedback to be left. Simply calculate the day and time of the feedback cutoff, and leave the negative a few hours before the deadline. Still possible to get retaliation negative, but they have a very narrow window to notice and respond.

Ekka, reading of the destructive properties of palm acid, a solution of baking soda and water, sprayed onto the acid covered areas may neutralize some of the acid and somewhat delay the corrosion. Very cheap, quick to use. May be a bad idea though, the water could be as bad as the acid.

I've had a bad experience of my own through paypal, ended up out $115. I use them as little as possible now, but just can't get completely away from using their service.

Great read, wouldnt have even seen this thread if it wasnt linked from the thread where the saw is being sold.
Well, I'm going to have to shorten my signature. This MS 440 is now sold to.........drum roll........Patrick62. What an interesting thread, to say the least. Thanks to everyone and expecially to Ekka. Now it's just the wait to see how PayPal decides.
Well, I'm going to have to shorten my signature. This MS 440 is now sold to.........drum roll........Patrick62. What an interesting thread, to say the least. Thanks to everyone and expecially to Ekka. Now it's just the wait to see how PayPal decides.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Hope the Pay-Pal works out for you.
I usually try to avoid the auctions where the seller seems to "Overly" stress terms like - NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. I DO NOT GURANTEE THE SAW IN ANYWAY, AS I AM NOT A CHAINSAW REPAIR EXPERT AT ALL. YOU ARE BUYING AS-IS, WHERE-IS.
He knew darn well what all was wrong with the saw and was just trying to cover his butt.
Matter of fact I have. They asked for a 3rd party evaluation of the saw and/or receipts of the parts or repairs. As you all know, I didn't buy most of the parts that needed replaced. Ekka gave them to me for the cost of the shipping. I did all of the repairs myself. However, my local dealer was willing to give me a written statement of the condition of the saw when I received it. Luckily I had kept the P&C with the needle bearings from the rod embedded in them. I also got copies of my invoices for the carb kit and rings that I bought from Baileys. The were kind enough to get together a PDF file for me about 4:30 Friday afternoon.

I received the email from PayPal on Friday requesting these documents. They stated that I had until this Friday, the 25th, in order to fax these documents to them. I could not fax them until this morning when I got to work, which I did. Guess what. PayPal denied the claim this morning and closed it before getting those documents. I did not know this when I faxed them. It was only later in the morning that I saw what they had done.

Fortunately, after 4 PM this afternoon, they reopened the claim after receiving the faxed documents and it will be 3-5 days for them to review the documents. I've still got my fingers crossed. It just ticks me off that they didn't even give me close to the amount of time they said they would to fax the documents to them. Lets all keep our fingers crossed. Maybe I'll still have good news later this week.
PayPal denied the claim because the saw was repaired and thus could not be returned to the seller. I reminded them that I asked for the cost of used parts for the repair. The moral of the story is, avoid using PayPal if at all possible.
You might have had similar trouble in any form of dispute resolution, having gone ahead and performed the level of upgrades to the saw that you did, before the matter was resolved.

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