I've developed a bad habit...?

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3 points of contact. That is what I was always told. But most old schoolers still have a comfort zone. When they get above it, they tend to tie in twice. Unfortunatly the guy who taught me had worked out west doing a lot of lodge poles. He seldomnly left his comfort zone. Shoot my first year I would get almost sick to my stomach watching him free climb. I even watched him fall, although only a few feet, he was pretty sore for a while. Funny thing he hit the ground and was back in that tree in a few seconds. Like the ground was rubber or something.
I also had the joy of pulling a top out of a tree, and watched a race between the owner of the company (not my trainer) and the top. It was a photo finish. He was an amazing 30 feet up too. He landed in the hurdlers stretch, missed several jagged rocks and his saw landed right beside him still running. Could be a stihl commercial. He was back on his feet in a mere 3 weeks. However I never saw him climb with the same abandon as he had been. The reason he fell I think was because he didn't adjust his buckstrap before he made the cut. He used a butt sling with only to D rings. It forced him to have to sit in the (for lack of a better word) saddle. The strap went over the top of the stub when the tree was wagging. He never gave me lip again about tying in b4 cutting the top out of a tree.
I will be honest though, I do tend to have bad habits because of the way I was originally taught.
I don't know if I'm right on the route you'd be taking but if it's Mass you're coming from I'm in the Southern Tier of NYS right on I81. I'd be more than willing to kick some dough towards your travel fund, pay you for the day, fill your belly with beer and beef and send ya on your way.

minus the beer my friend, that might be one of the best offers i have heard in a long time. thank you.

let me figure this thing out.