I'll toss my hat in...
Hanging from any kind of harness or saddle for more than a few hours becomes nightmarish for me...
The arborist type arn't too bad but your still moving and working not just hanging there waiting for bambi to waltz through your cross hairs, could be me can't stand just sitting and waiting gotta be doing something,
for fall arrest I suppose they wouldn't be to bad the saddle type are really just a modified version of rappelling or rock climbing harnesses, wider padding bunch more hanging points for tools etc.
In summary get the best one you can afford, but I would want to be hanging static in one for more than a few minutes. Could be the bees knees for roofing steep angles they are meant to be worked in.
And the gol thing... I guess its good for newbs that haven't spent most of their childhood and all of their adult life around saws... however if you have, then the weaknesses of GOL are obvious. Not to mention its some puffed up crud they want you to pay for. Yeah Yeah I know that they say even seasoned loggers learn something from the classes, whatever, seasoned loggers learn something everyday... otherwise they end up being dead loggers...