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I hope they do!! One can't help but think how much does Stihl really care about certain pro equipment, when they sell who know how many 211's, 290's for every one 460. Stihl will fallow the cash, like many others have before them.
The first priority of any business is to turn a profit, all other priorities are rescinded. I know it seems as though Stihl has dropped the ball as far as pro saws go, but they got to where they are by making some very sound business decisions. For one, the MS441's original competition was the 575XP, remember that saw? The MS461 has already been thrown under the bus, yet it has this inside:

461 by zweitakt250, on Flickr
You can see that Stihl is trying to get a pro falling saw to market that will pass EPA at the same price point as the model it replaces. The electronic garb costs money, so if they can get by without it they will. I would bet the 661 is the same way. You know I like Stihl, have for decades. That being said I have known for quite a while that my next pro saw was going to be from Sweden. I like my 550 very much, but it doesn't make me like my 044 less. I am glad that the competition is so tight. The customer wins. The days of a saw design lasting more than 20 years like the 044 and 064/066 have are gone. New iterations will be seen much more often. FI is just around the corner for pro saws. Exciting times...