Jonsered 920 muffler

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 10, 2002
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Central Wisconsin
I recently found a mint 920 , and was curious to why the muffler (square) port was 1/8" smaller than a 70E Jonsered ? It seems to be lacking in the power deptartment and am wondering if this has something to do with it ? I did a muffler related search on this forum but didn't find the answer . (Compression is at 165 .)
Thanks , Whistler .
Probably for emissions reasons. Send the muffler to John Walker at Walkers saw shop and it will be like a totally different saw.
That muffler is an interesting one....the exhaust tube comes out of the head...turns 90degrees down...then through a series of baffles...back up to the top and out that port...if you want quick and easy and arent too concerned with looks....6 3/8 holes in the bottom part of the muffler will work...not as good as having the muffler cut apart...rebuilt..then back together...but hey...or you could put an expansion chamber on...:D
Dennis , was Huskyman right in assuming it to be an emission thing ? Why would they put an 1/8 " smaller exhaust outlet on a saw that is 20cc bigger ? Does not compute !
Whistler...I cant honestly say why they built the mufflers that way...I dont imagine that in the early to mid 80's they were all that concerned about the epa thing..but, I was pretty young dont know...

I would think that if you cut the muffler in half...removed the tube...and baffles...put in new ports...or a bigger port one should gain 10-15% on that...possibly more...but its better to be conservative on guesstimates..I am running expansion chambers on all my Super 930's...(same muffler)
Dennis , I know from experience that by just removing the baffle alone from a 70E will get you 10 % .... Sand man calls , but I'll be in touch with you about a modified muffler if spares are to be had . Must have 2 so the gains can be verified . Thanks , ......later .
Oops , one more question . What is the difference between the standard model and the super ?.... Please don't say the muffler ! Good nite .
I can't speak for the 930, but Jonsered uses "Super" in mysterious ways. I have a 111 Super and it shares the same parts list with the plain 111--no changes. I've never met anyone who knows.

Hey Dennis, what's the inside of a 111 muffler like? There seems to be just a little metal box with holes in it around the inlet. Is there anything else in there?
From what i can tell on the Super 930, the differences are the dropped out tranfer ports into the crankcase...the Super also had two thin rings as opposed to thick...and yes the mufflers are different...

Mine is a straight 111 John, so I am not sure about the differences there...
Hi Dennis, I was just wondering what difference it makes if the rings are tik or tin. Ken Dunn is trying to pry my 2100 CD away from me. I think possibly because it has the tin ring piston. If so, should I be charging Mr. Dunn a premium for the saw?
husky 2100

Hello gypo logger,
I would'nt overcharge ol kd for that 2100 husky. they had a lot of problems with the thin ring model, fast wearing rings, piston skirts cracking, chrome plating wearing to fast, parts availability problems, etc. especially if he's going to trade you a uncle art martin chain for it
Hi Dennis, thanks for the info about the 2100. I guess I feel lucky now that I have been able to pawn it off on Ole Ken. I will have to see if he notices that I swaped pistons from the Olympic 999.One cannot have too many Art Martin chains. Oop's I just remembered I forgot to put in a wrist pin clip when I made the switch, oh well.
Uncle art's chain

hello DG and GYPO,
boy, you too would complain if they hung you with a brand new rope. Actually that seemed like a fair and equitable trade. a art martin chain for a old grungy 2100 and a 2101 husky. looks like you two ganged up on ol KD.
Hey Dennis, Ole KD is playin us like a fiddle, but you gotta hand it to him, I thought I was getting the deal, now I feel so bad about pawning the 2100 off on him for a Martin chain that I find myself filling the shipping box with all kinds of extra goodies such as roller noses etc. etc. Just to be fair to Ole Ken, I think you better send him that 090 case I left at your shop with the clutch and flywheel, after all I only paid 13 U.S. for it.
I'm headed West again on an expense paid trip by Ken to scour the coast for all the 2100's and 090's that I can gather up for him. Will keep you posted about my findings.
art's chain

hello john,
talked to art this morning, he agreed to our 3-way swap of chain for old worn out husky 2100 chain saw but also agreed that you too were taking advantage of ol kd. he wants you to e-mail him or call him, needs to know what size saw, what size log so he can set the raker height. talk to you later.
[email protected]
530-589-2744 may look like ole Ken is getting the short end on paper....but I think we are getting rooked...him and Art have this deal where they just suck up all the 2100/2101/090's in the country and build race saws, and then sell them for top dollar...thereby financing their dream homes on a golf course in Canada...and we are stuck with 1 hour self-sharpening rusty harvester chain...or is that just you??

-I know God won't give me more than I can handle. I just
wish He didn't trust me so much.
Dennis, ol' Ken and Art are turning out race stuff like a factory, now if we could only get them to buy a airline ticket to clearwater for the REVIVAL! I know even those old farts would have a good time. I should know about airline transportation by this weekend, then I will need a room. JON