Glad I didn't see that earlier. I don't have the space or time....but I would have bought it
Oh yeah....I was gonna mention the story about my 621. I told the seller not to just throw it in a box loose and send it, because coming this far, the carrier would try to destroy it. Told him to at least bubble wrap and put some foam around it to immobilize the saw. When I got home one day, here was this box sitting on the front steps with a bar sticking out of the box about a ft and the saw dawgs sticking all the way through the box. I thought for sure it would be ruined. Opened the box and on two sides of the saw are some flimsy pieces of wrapping paper. Bar was unwrapped and free to float wherever it wanted to. Actually there was nothing to keep the bar from just totally pushing through the box. No damage....I was friggin' lucky on that one! He did exactly what I told him not to do....damaged and I would have had a full refund whether he liked it or not.