Here are the pics of the dump find 111S. It's complete, but something is going on internally - may be seized. Whatever the case, it's got the full wrap, knuckle guard, rear handle is intact, etc. And the oil cap is MIA. *****. That makes 4 111's that I have, and all are either missing the oil cap or it has something jury rigged.
Does anyone know if the oil caps from other J'reds will work? I tried the ones on my older saws (621, etc), and they won't work. Threads are the right size, but they're not deep enough.
Anyway, I'll get this one cleaned up shortly. Just like the last one, I think there's a pretty decent looking saw hiding under all that grime.
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Just boggles my mind that someone would throw this saw in the dump. Just like the dealer in Canada that took two truckloads of NOS NLA J'red parts to the dump.
I noticed the screw in your first pic and figured it was holding a chip guard of some sort.
Doesn't matter if something is going on internally, ALL the parts on the saw are highly valuable for resale. No way you could lose even if you had paid $350+ for it and it was seized.
Gotta be some irony in the fact that you never saw 111S' in Europe and now you have what, four??!! Very few people on the planet are poor in 111S'