Jonsered Chainsaws

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I still maintain that the full-wrap handles were a NA contractor thing for the bigger Swedish saws that came into this country. Scott, did you ever find any full-wrap J'reds that originated and stayed in Europe?


Kevin - No, I never saw a European J-red with a full wrap. The one 111S that I picked up in Europe had a half-wrap.

And long bars were very uncommon in Europe as well. Even big cc saws like the XF (110cc) were all equipped with relatively short bars. Of the 13 or so XF's that I've had, all had the same bar -- about 21". Not much big timber left on the continent, I guess.

Well, I’ll take credit for taking a lot of OG Dougs, but RandyMac got more. All a function of when you were in the woods. But.....I took all those OG Englemann Spruce up on the Grand Mesa in CO. Those were spectacular trees for the Rockies. Every tree marked by the Forest Service had some degree of rot in the center. I never could figure out how they knew. Never asked.....they were the

The differences in those two full-wraps between the 110 and the 111s are interesting. I’m betting that Tilton had a contractor that fitted all those full-wraps. The Husky 2100 even had US bolts in their full-wrap.

Thanks for the kind words, Kevin. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Really pleased to see one of my 111S's go to a member here, especially someone who will get some use out of it!

Hi Sir, could you possibly help me with removing and replacing the clutch assembly on a vintage Jonsered 70e, it was a gift and when idling the chain continues to rotate.. Please Help??
Air Impact wrench works great. Just remember lh threads. Righty = Lucy. Won't need a piston stop most likely.

Usually chain spinning is simple idle adjustment?

Pix? We like saw pix!
Need pics.....maybe your idle is way too high. Your idle only needs to be high enough so that the saw doesn't stall when turned on its side. If the saw doesn't seem to have torque while using, your shoes, part #504 54 05-00 are worn down and/or your clutch drum thickness. Could have a bad spring too, part #504 21 64-00...check for kinks or previous damage etc.

If you need to use a piston stop, just stick a cut off piece of a V belt in harm, no foul.

ATTENTION!!!! There is a guy selling NOS Jonsereds decals on Ebay handle decals and recoil decals.....I snatched 11 but left some for youse guys....I know some folks could give a rats azz for these but they are the real deal and certainly make a restoration shine!!!
Here's a link to the seller....he may have other decals as well.....I dunno...I don't expect them to be around long....
Holy Crap......maybe it’s time to sell!!


Yeah, I’ve got a 90 to sell. Watching this one.

Edit - Kevin - I think you mentioned the 90’s getting a bump in value because of how out of control the 111 prices have gotten. Maybe this guy saw your post!
ATTENTION!!!! There is a guy selling NOS Jonsereds decals on Ebay handle decals and recoil decals.....I snatched 11 but left some for youse guys....I know some folks could give a rats azz for these but they are the real deal and certainly make a restoration shine!!!
Here's a link to the seller....he may have other decals as well.....I dunno...I don't expect them to be around long....


Yeah, a lot of money, but how many times are we going to see these appear now?

I saw that thing earlier, it has what looks like a 70E footpad on it? And it is absurdly expensive I feel like

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You're absolutely correct....that's like a 70E bottom handle. It should be metal two-piece handle with a black plastic 'wing' for stability. Which makes the saw not 100% original and for that price it needs to be.

Yeah, I’ve got a 90 to sell. Watching this one.

Edit - Kevin - I think you mentioned the 90’s getting a bump in value because of how out of control the 111 prices have gotten. Maybe this guy saw your post!

Gawd....I hope I didn't do that! I'm not ready to sell everything,


Yeah, a lot of money, but how many times are we going to see these appear now?

You're absolutely correct....that's like a 70E bottom handle. It should be metal two-piece handle with a black plastic 'wing' for stability. Which makes the saw not 100% original and for that price it needs to be.

Gawd....I hope I didn't do that! I'm not ready to sell everything,


He still has this one...
@Real1shepherd I'll probably find one someday in a garbage pile or something.. only need the flywheel side of it if it comes down to that
Either that or I'll part it out, thing has what must be a mint top end on it, has crazy compression.
@Real1shepherd I'll probably find one someday in a garbage pile or something.. only need the flywheel side of it if it comes down to that
Either that or I'll part it out, thing has what must be a mint top end on it, has crazy compression.

These cranks are pretty sturdy......what happened, did a bearing seize and torque the crank?

These cranks are pretty sturdy......what happened, did a bearing seize and torque the crank?

gave the end of it a whack to get the flywheel off and the threaded part snapped clean off.. never had that happen before, must have been hardened far deeper than usual.. usually you'll strip threads or mushroom it before that happens